Yellow Tops Are Gone, So...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by delvryboy, Feb 14, 2004.

  1. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    i sold my yellow tops to finance my CES trip

    so now i am thinking about buying a pair of die hards' instead, they are $60 a piece

    what should i look for?..or get the biggest ones i can find?
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    You should look for another battery company ;)

    Any Diehard with the Green-Eye is made by Delco (in fact any battery with a built in hydrometer is Delco, yes including the "Motorcraft" batteries), and I believe all their others are made by Exide, but they are very poor quality batteries.

    If you live in the frigid cold, I suggest AC Delco. If you live in a moderate climate, Interstate or Delco. No sense in getting cheesy with power supply my man, and both the Delco and Interstate will work above and beyond Mfg spec. I have found the Interstates seem to have some issues with cold weather though.

    Delco's are the very best in the world though, which is why so many Mfgs by them and add their label to them. Toyota, Mazda, Ford, Honda, Isuzu, and several others use Delco direct from the factory.