Xxx15 At 6hz

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by PolkMM, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Actually, I read 24 Hz on another forum for that vid... I may be wrong though.
  3. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    Yeah that vid has been getting pretty popular lately.

    From what I read it starts with a 10hz tone and then moves to 11hz and then 12hz. Was taken with a digi camera and the frame rate sucks so by the time it has recorded/saved from top to bottom the top does not match the bottom.
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    exactly, it's an illusion due to the up-down scan rate of the camera, that technically can only process 1 pixel at a time...
    So you end up with an illusion like that.

    Seems like it would offer the potential for some really kinky looking porn filming as well, but apparantly no one has chosen to take up on that yet unexplored frontier... :confused: