Wtf? Are You An Authorized Seller Or Not?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by texcon, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    So, I bought my Tantrum 1200.1 from Indoaudio off Ebay. I knew going in I was taking a slight risk since most of the time things sold on Ebay are NOT covered under factory warranty. So I got in touch with Indoaudio about getting my amp fixed and they replied, telling me to "Send it back to Phoenix Gold, that always ensures the fastest turn-around". OK, that's great. So I called PG to get an RA # and told them when and where I bought my amp and they said it was not covered under factory warranty, which did not surprise me.

    But what bugs me is that Indoaudio told me to send my amp back to PG as if it WAS covered under factory warranty. Then I emailed Indoaudio again saying I was getting discrepant stories and they replied saying "Yes we will contact PG and find out exactly what they want us to do". Last email I got from Indoaudio said "Yes, our full warranty covers the items directly through our company. Our dealership is registered under a diff. name for retail use. So either way you are covered."

    So as you can tell, I am not sure what the hell is going on. They make it sound like I can send my amp back to them or PG and get it fixed under warranty, but PG said I can't send it to them for warranty repair. Anyone have any experience with this kind of situation and/or Indoaudio? TIA!
  2. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    So they buy stuff as a "dealer" posing as a retailler, then dump mass quantities on eBay for next to nothing to cut everyones throats?

    Sounds familiar.

    This story is nothing new with Indoaudio, either. I've heard complaints about their "warranty"... and a few other known sellers as well.

    This is why i don't buy gear from eBay.

    I hope you don't get burned on this... call up PG and explain everything to them, try *begging*. Tell them "Indoaudio claimed they *WERE* authorized, that there *WAS* a factory warranty, and now you find out they use a DIFFERENT name"

    Perhaps PG will help you out and persue Indoaudio for scamming. I don't know but it's worth a try. It would be in PG's interests to help out a customer who can prove he should have a warranty.

    If you send it to Indoaudio, theres a chance you may never see it again. I'd avoid that route. And let's face it... they already have your feedback, and your money, so what do they care?

    If you do send it back to Indoaudio...
    send it Insured USPS Priority with Return Reciept so you can prove they got it.
    When you run into problems, you can go after them for fraud with the Postmaster General. You may have to.
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    they dont "pose" they are dealers

    Look at it like this

    I open "Adavced Sounds" here locally

    I get PG as a Line, they will give me a 15% discount if a Order $50,000 in product.. now I can only sell $25,000

    so I sign up for an account on ebay "I_scam" is my Name :lol:

    and sell the Procuts at Dealer List (or slightly more than 15% margin) for the $25,000 worth I can not sell through my Store, which I make about 50-70% margin...

    Where if I was Honest I would only make 35-50% margin and would not recover the other 15% off the Addional Inventory......
  4. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    Sure, i follow ya.

    But, all the customers you made the extra percentage off of, are now fucked.
    No, not in ALL cases.
    But, in the case of Indoaudio... well, it's pretty much, all bad. yet another example.

    I think if a MFR will refuse to honor warranty on "grey market" items, they need to be active in ENDING their grey market supply. Therefore, with the situation above, PG should get as much info from the customer as possible, and repair his amp... then look into Indoaudio, their location, and dealers in that area. Cut them off.


    I feel that if i have a valid purchase and reciept, that i should be entitled to warranty coverage.

    Seems theres a fine line here. Somewhere is a definite violation of warranty law.
    I'd like to read the PG paperwork you recieved with the amp, if it states anything about "authorized only" and if thats applicable in your state, in this case.
    If you were *misled* to believe you were getting a FULL MFR warranty, misrepresentation of goods or services is just another way of saying fraud.

    Did you purchase the amp with a credit card? You may get assistance on warranty coverage thru them. Some CC companies offer free double warranties as well. Call them and explain whats going on, they may help.
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well a Few things

    In Defense of the MFR's they do cut off alot of Dealers, I dont know about PG inperticular, but manufacturers do often cut off dealers,

    the problem is the Rep Companies most of the time, they either allow the actions, or after they are told to cut off someone they dont..

    Now at the same time, since compaines, most of them, boycott online sales this problem continues to grow

    99% of the manufacturers are allready Breaking the law, in 2000 MAP prices were ruled, by case law, illegal, (see the US Government vs RIAA) ,

    but since they industry is still small the DOj's will not look in to it, and no one else but the States can afford a Anti-Trust law suit..

    plus other sections of the Anti Trust Laws State that a Company can not Boycott a Group of Consumers, sice there is no Case law yet there is Differant Views as to whether "online buyer" are a legal group ;)

    so if one or both of these where to go to Court more than likly they would have to honor your Ebay Purchases, however unless you have a 100million to do a case like this, your SOL
  6. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    I've read several of your posts on this, and other aspects of being in the audio business. I must say, they are interesting.

    While the MAP pricing issue may be too big to tackle by any one man,
    I would certainly entertain MY rights to obtain warranty service, via the State's Attorney Office. Consumer's rights are taken way too lightly these days.

    I think the main problem in the audio industry, is that the bulk of your end customers are kids. They just cut their losses, feeling theres nothing they can do.

    If you tried pulling shit like this on Senior Citizens, they'd riot! Walkers and all.
  7. TheSSG

    TheSSG Full Member

    Well, I've bought many things from Indoaudio, and I neve kidded myself into thinking I was really getting a warranty.

    I got my stuff for about 1/2, or a little under, of retail. It's high-end stuff, I'd sure hope it doesn't break anyway. If it does, I'll get another, or something else, and still not have spent what I would have initially spent.

    What's with the defending of the manufacturers/authorized dealers?

    Nothing wrong with the Grey market if you ask me.

    If Dealers/Manufacturers want to overcharge, I won't pay. Someone else wants to sell it to me for cheaper, I'll buy from them. Capitalism.

    Manufacturers price fix, screw them.
  8. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    See, I am in no way looking for a handout from PG or anyone else - I can muster up the $100 or so to get my amp fixed if I need to. But Indoaudio doesn't need to tell me to send it directly to PG when in fact my amp is NOT covered under factory warranty. I merely asked them what their procedure was for getting warranty work done expecting them to say send it back to them, but instead they tried to blow some sunshine up my ass, plain and simple. Now there is ZERO chance that I will send my amp back to them for any reason because only God knows what they'd do to it.

    They do, however, state in several of their auctions that they offer "full warranties" on their PG products, implying it is a factory warranty and not just a warranty through their business. That IMO is very shady.

    I got the amp mainly because it was a model close-out and fit my needs - I did not expect it to fart out on my after 3 months use. But in the future, I won't be buying any electronic goods through Ebay, unless it is some incredible deal.
  9. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Good idea - I paid via PayPal using my Discover, so perhaps that could be a last resort. Yesterday the guy at PG was really cool and said they could probably help me out - even if that means a reduced charge on work, then that would be something. I just hope PG stnads by their products - I own a ZX amp and other PG accessories and have been pleased with those items.
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    the reason you will not see this in court is the vast majority of Car audio is still IMPULSE buy

    the last report I read stated 75% of car audio it still purchased in the Retail Stores, and 80-90% of those sales are installed sales...

    so when the Dealer Push for High margins, the Manufacturers either Respond or Risk Losing their Bread and Butter


    When I first was Explorering opening a Car audio shop, Long before I sold online, the profit magin was 100+ % on alot of things

    Recently the Average profit for a Shop is 20-30%

    Lowes ,Walmart, etc average 35-40%

    so in reality the shops are making less than the Walmarts ;)

    I am on both sides

    The consumers have a Right to prices free from manufacturer influance

    However Dealers have a Right to Be protected as well

    they dont get rich selling car audio..

    Weathly yes, Rich no....

    I operated my Store with the Averagge cost per month under $50 since Ran it out of my Home.

    Try that with a Real Store!!!!!
  11. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    I hear ya Mike,
    But with a real store, your markup should'nt be the product, but the accessories and installation. Plus people don't mind paying a few bucks more for good service.

    This is why i won't buy from Indoaudio,.
    I'd rather buy from Crutchfield or a local shop, pay more, but have my shit in working order for "X" amount of years! I'm not into paying hundreds for three months worth of amplification.

    Hey Texcon, call Discover and see what they advise you to do. You really should'nt have to pay for repair, you bought the item within 1 year, and it was new. The warranty should apply with proof of purchase, plain and simple.
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    it is. Wire has a Really really high Mark up....

    30% is not cosidered high Margin by any defination, infact most places 30% is just breaking even ;) when you figure in Employee costs, Lights, Rent, Ads, etc etc etc etc etc
  13. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    RadioShack makes zero profit on TVs, VCRs, Stereo components, car audio.
    but they make a killing on capacitors, batteries, cables, adapters, etc... it's what keeps them in business.

    If i was running a shop, it would be the alarm installation, fiberglassing, and custom enclosures. The little parts like relays and switches.

    Of course i'd sell distro blocks, cable, pre-fab boxes, etc. for a mark-up.
    I'd be one of the few local places to turn to actually. I feel like i *have to* order my stuff online, and that's sad.

    As for HUs and subs and such... i probably would'nt even bother. I'd rather they bring in their own stuff, it's not like anyone can compete with eBay.
    Or hey... choose from my TWO lines you can't get online! LOL

    Running a website is a whole different scenario. But as a local shop, i would definitely focus on labor, and quality work at that. Seems to be lacking almost everywhere.
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    and you would Go out of Buisness

    You have to Remember, All online and Mail order Sales only make up 25% of the total Car Audio Sales, Ebay Prpbally makes up maybe 5%, MAYBE

    so your Going to stop selling because a Company sells to 5% of your Customers :rolleyes:

  15. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    See, I am not claiming that Indoaudio told me from the get-go that my amp had a factory warranty and is now renegging on that claim. Rather, I am bothered by their inconsistency with their replies to me. All I want is to be treated with fairly and in a straightforward manner.

    Here is the main concern - Indoaudio first told me to "Send it back to Phoenix Gold, that always ensures the fastest turn-around" then a few days later said "Yes we have to accept all items back through our company for warranty purposes"

    These two statements contradict one another big time. I was VERY clear that my amp was new and still under warranty. It's not like I was asking for general advice on how to get my amp repaired. I suppose Indoaudio is not out to get return customers, at least not this customer.

    Other emails included: "Yes, our full warranty covers the items directly through our company. Our dealership is registered under a diff. name for retail use. So either way you are covered", implying I have TWO options to get my amp repaired, which is seemingly not the case and "Yes we will contact PG and find out exactly what they want us to do". I can only take so many vagueries before I call BS.

    I also went back a few days ago and looked at some of their auctions and they claim that their items have "full warranties". I don't know about you, but IMO this implied factory warranties, not "oh, you will have to send it back to me for work".

    It's not hard to be legit with customers, but it is very easy to be shady and lose someone as a repeat customer. Count me in the latter group.

    Last point - I am not bashing the "grey" market on electronics, but merely requesting better treatment when it really counts. I don't think that's a whole lot to ask for.
  16. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    BTW, thanks for the advice and input on this topic. I was very helpful.

    I am first going to try and work with PG about getting my amp fixed and then use Discover as a last resort. Either way I am going to get it fixed since it is so new and was not a cheap amp.
  17. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    it is very very hard to be legit and stay open when Every manufacturer Whats you out of Business

    I did it for 4 years, and it was very tough

    I had the VP pf MTX calling me at home. I had Blupunkt lawyers threating law Suits,

    Audiobahn Sent me Countless Cease and Desist Letters

    CEO of Cadence Cut me off even after 100's of Customer Emails hit there Mail box in support of me

    Even The Zeb try to have me Cut off from 2 of my Suppliers and CDT

    It is a Cut throat Business out there, Why I got out of it, You either Screw People or you Go under
  18. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    You know what, all Indoaudio had to do was say "Hey, send it to me and I will send it to PG so they can fix it". I would have much preferred that instead of the route they took. Instead, he fed me BS like I was some lemming who can't wipe his own ass. THAT is not much to ask IMO.

    And I am sorry that those companies did that to you, but that does not give sellers the right to treat customers like they are idiots.
  19. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Some Customers are idiots though (not talking about you, I work inside a Differant Lowes Every Day and I meet all Kinds of Moron customers :p :p )

    and True they should have told you to send it to them. Customers Sending products directly to Cadence was how I got cut off