Worlds Best Speaker

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Steven Kephart, Apr 21, 2004.

  1. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member


    Is that a 6x9?

    That's not necessarily bad...
    particularly aligned in that vertical orientation...

    But it just says "6x9" to me, if you know what I mean!

    The picture of the white marble surrounded luxury fireplace, with these loudspeakers to each side... they need grilles, they look ghetto IMO. :lol:

    The wood that they used for those cabinets... that is ultra cool though. B)

    The cabinets do look nice, but lots of sharp edges on them, including the surface-mounted (not recessed) 6x9 speaker itself, with it's relatively tall gasket, and the top panel extending over the front edge of the baffle... I'm not sure that speaks to the audiophile community.

    Nothing really matters in the end but how it sounds...
    But it's a 6x9, and that's got some inherent stigma to it... *COUGHghettoCOUGH**

    Honestly though, when I was reading up on line-arrays and all that, I had given some pondering to 6x9's, even 4x10's and other crazy ovals, if you could actually effectively positively manipulate horizontal and vertical dispersion.
    Honestly, if they had done a 4x10, it probably wouldn't look so odd to my eye. Maybe not. :p
  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Honestly though, if you read this guy's site, he doesn't seem to be completely off his rocker... least, you could say he truly seems to believe in his product.

    My guess is, he's designed a really good cabinet, that flatters these drivers.
  4. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Anyone wanna buy a pair to test out?

    I'm not too fond of the look myself...... seems like a little too excessive
    and contradicting - like geo said, non-recessed speakers, but the
    cabinet work looks decent, if not to my taste...