With 4 Cubic Feet And 1300w..

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Fryguy, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    RE recommends a 4.0 @ 27 box on their page. However, most people have found that box to be too small, and most people build bigger boxes. if 4 cubic feet (after displacement), is the most that I can fit, do you think it would be worth the extra money to step up to an XXX? I can get a brahma for 390 shipped, whereas the XXX will still be in the 430+ range. The amp hasn't been chosen yet, but most likely it will be either the 1000w zapco or arc class d, crossfire bmf/vr1000d, or the pg tantrum 1200.1.

    I currently have a 4.0 @ 28hz box, and I could just rebuild the amprack to accomodate a 2nd amp no problem. I plan on using either sub in this box (and in the case of the brahma possibly building a newer, smaller one in the future.

    So with "only" 4 cubic ft and the wattage that I will have available ($$$ and alternator dictates that I can't have more power), which sub would shine more in daily driver performance (lower, louder, and cleaner)
  2. Feandil

    Feandil Full Member

    Expect about the same output as the Brahma off that power. In that box the XXX will be low on power efficency... but the Brahma will actual be more power efficent than it would in the recommended box. So it'll reach higher excursion numbers off that power than the XXX will I'd think.
  3. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    are you talking about 12 or 15 inch drivers?
  4. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    as you can see in topic description, 15" drivers :):)
  5. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    Johnny can't read... :rolleyes:
  6. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    And if you do not mind asking, where can you get the Brahma 15 for 390? Also, if you decide to go with XXX, I suggest you close this post since I have already decided to go with 2 Brahma 15s and really do not want to hear anything that can make me regret my decision... :rolleyes:
  7. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    Would the situation be different if I could get upwards of 1600+ watts (from a PPI pcx-2400)

    Bonus: it matches my ppi pcx-4125, and talk about wow factor by having 2 amps in my trunk that are 2ft+ long :)

    edit:I might actually be getting a new one for 345 shipped, but that deal probably won't go through. And I think I'd rather not reveal the information regarding the 390 dollar brahma.
  8. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    Mighty nice of you not to reveal your info... considering I am looking for one right now, you are really getting my understanding, LOL... :rolleyes:
  9. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    acoustic visions is hooking me up based on the e15a preorder thing.
  10. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    Thanks for spilling the beans, finally... LOL... I actually found them for $395 but it will probably take a month to get it, considering it would come from Canada... So you are ok with just one sub? I went for 2 15s in a sealed box because my volume is 5.7 and this is just right for 2 of them in a sealed box... I rather go with ported but I have no choice... I am however powering them with 1200 watts a piece and using the RDO thing per Geo's inistance, LOL... I just hope it will all work out... :rolleyes: I looked at RE XXX but they are even heavier... so I went with Adire instead...
  11. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    RDO thing?

    and I have limited power, limited budget, and limited space, so running more than 1 isn't an option.

    The BEST I can do would be an XXX15 on 1600w in 4.0 @ 28, and more realistically a brahma15 on 1000w in 4.0 @ 28. Not sure how much of a diff there would be between the 2 setups.
  12. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member


    I get 2 Ohm load from each sub plus I get to control the Qts... sounds pretty cool to me considering I get that 2400 watts at 1 Ohm...
  13. Fryguy

    Fryguy Full Member

    So you can only wire the sub in series when doing that, or am I missing something? Also, the page doesn't mention the upside to this; what does the ability to change qts do for me?

    Edit: nm, the amp only sees one coil, so the amp would see a 2ohm load.
  14. peter_euro

    peter_euro Full Member

    Considering I will be using two subs, the amp is actually going to see 1 Ohm load, and this is what I need to get 2400 watts out of it... ;) And the variable Qts (and Geo really sold me on this one) lets you vary the size of the box... you can make it smaller if you feel like adding some punch to your music... but this is just a fringe benefit to getting that 1 Ohm load... :)