wireless and ampless look

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kickerguy, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. kickerguy

    kickerguy Full Member

    im looking for tips on how to do a wireless and ampless looking setup.i would like to try this in the probe frist but later I would like to do this to the truck do I like the super clean look I dont like to see speaker wires and amps
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    wireless is pretty easy. just make a false floor, that can even be with the ampless look as well. where are you planning to put the amps? in the trunk? If you look at my gallery , it's the wireless look but the amps can be seen. my only advice for the ampless look would be to have a lot of fans curculating air so your amps won't go thermal
  3. kickerguy

    kickerguy Full Member

    yea i was thinking about heat too..only thing with the false floor is this is a daily driver and road trip car I really want to keep the spare tire..right now I have the amps on the back of the seats
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    even if it's a daily driver you could put on amp on each side of the floor so you'll still have access to your spare tire. so you false floor will be in 3 parts. one for each side and one in the middle. that will give you a real good stealth design.
  5. kickerguy

    kickerguy Full Member

    ill have to take a pic of the probe trunk its not set up in a way that you could inless you did alot of cutting and welding there is a tire size hole that drops down just enugh to clear the spare tires and jack..even a wireless look would be alot better then what Im working with but Ill get some pics to see if there is something I have over looked I spend 3 days running the wires tring to get the cleanest look I could and I still not happy
  6. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    yeah, pics would be great. i'm sure we can figure something out
  7. kickerguy

    kickerguy Full Member


    some pics of the set up in the truck Ill take some of the car tomarow
  8. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    is this what it looks like in the back?

    Attached Files:

  9. kickerguy

    kickerguy Full Member

    yes here is one of my gutted race probe its a 94 but the same thing just fully gutted so you can see where the tire sets [​IMG]
  10. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    ok, this won't be hard at all to do. first, trash you old floor... you do have space on the sides so that's where you can put your amps...

    what you'll want to do is build it in 3 parts. 2 for the side and one big piece for the middle. all you have to do is prop it up with wood feet. so you have your spare tire in, the wood covering it on about 3 inch stands, on the sides you'll do the same thing but you'll have space for where the amps will be. when it's done, the whole thing will be covered and you won't see a thing.

    Let me try to draw something up quick so you can understand me better. all I can say is that if you're pretty good with your hands, it won't be hard at all to do.
  11. kickerguy

    kickerguy Full Member

    that just sounds like alot of work lol..i can weld and work with steel but im not to good with wood yet that why I buy my boxes but i guess its time i start
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    how big of a box do you plan on putting in the probe?

    cause it looks like you can mount one amp on either side of the hatch.maybe even fit a batt behind them. with the sub box up against the rear seat,and still have room for a hinged floor to access your spare.
  13. kickerguy

    kickerguy Full Member

    Width: 21" Height: 18" Depth 19 1/2"

    box size..I would kinda like to add another batt im tring to get out cheap but still get the most power and best look i can