Windows Vista

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by electrolytic, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Anyone try Windows Vista yet?
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    nope...what is it??
  3. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

  4. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    That's one long video, lol i skipped through after the first 30 mins
  5. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    So here we are. 2007. Oh boy...where are the ****ing flying cars? Where are the talking computers and robots and ****? Where's this high tech that will scrub our floors and change our Depends for us? I'll tell you where it is: lying in the gutter. I mean for ****'s sake, even our computers are being forcibly turned against us, one machine at a time. No, I'm not talking about botnets or even Ambient Byte, I'm talking about Windows Goddamned Vista.

    First off, all of you "Micrsoft can do no wrong" people can stop reading right here, and go **** yourselves. All of you X-Box supporters can **** of and go play another run-of-the-mill racing game. And anyone STUPID enough to buy a "Zune"..well, I doubt you're even capable of reading this, much less being able to stop drooling on yourselves.

    I've been a computer geek all of my life, probably longer than most of you. I lived the 8-bit home computer revolution. I know what an 'accumulator' is, and I've programmed them. Hell I've even designed them on wire breadboards. I'm old enough to know that a BBS is NOT this piece-of-**** phpBB ****heap we run here on this site. But dammit...computers used to be cool. They used to be fun. And there were enough of them around that you could have geek ****ing matches between differing camps (sometimes ending in real violence, geek style).

    But forget about the musings of an old techno-fart. The old days are gone. In the 90's we saw the unfortunate rise of Microsoft, long the bottom feeder of high-tech companies. Did they get there on their own merit? Of course not--they had an infallible cash connection to IBM through the 80's. No one would willingly BUY MS-DOG, except for maybe the Gates Fan Club I mentioned in the paragraph above. No, IBM is to blame for giving these ****ing idiots a cash lifeline, and much like the shuttle jettisonning that huge booster rocket, Microsoft did much the same to IBM. And god help us all, they did all that having the WORST possible ****ing technology on the market--I don't care WHAT example you cite: Apple, Amiga, Atari, ****ing GEOS--ALL of it was better than MS-DOS. Even the piece-of-**** multitasking 68000 operating system I wrote for my thesis course in university was better than MS-DOS, and my operating system didn't even have a ****ing filesystem on it yet. But Microsoft flourished--because IBM gave them a huge cash lifeline and made sure their GARBAGE was installed on every ****ing PC.

    And like a bad case of shingles, along came "Windows," the operating environment with the stupidest name imaginable. "Look! It has windows, see? And we call it Windows! Get it? Get it?" This laughable crash-prone pile of **** with it's grotesquely oversized window borders was embraced by the cult of Gates (mainly marketing and business types) as though it were an anal penetration from the Gates Master Bedroom. While the rest of computerdom was collectively laughing their asses off at this bad copy of just about every other contemporary graphical environment, business idiots happily embraced this ****pile and convinced themselves that rebooting the ****ing thing every 10 minutes was "how computers should be."

    But, it succeeded. And then, Win95 succeeded. The business orgy with all things Microsoft spiralled out of control, and suddenly the ****pile was EVERYWHERE. BUT--once again, Microsoft didn't do anything to really deserve it. They still had the ace under their sleeves that guaranteed the automatic success of everything they put out, regardless of merit or quality: PRELOADS and exclusive agreements.

    How it works is simple: Microsoft made agreements with every PC maker out there that they would ONLY install Microsoft ****ware by default. Right out of the factory only Windows would be installed, and that was it. Any attempts by other companies to have their own stuff installed was LOCKED OUT. And even if, say, Dell were to offer a PC with NO operating system, THEY STILL charged you for a Windows license anyway--Microsoft got free money. It was called the "Microsoft Tax" and it's STILL being done today, here in 2007.

    Enter Windows Vista, the worst abortion of an operating system the world has ever seen. Despite bad reviews, despite even CNN having news reports about the built-in DRM that will prevent you from doing anything useful at all...despite the fact that it will degrade your video performance if you don't have a "legal" copy of the video you are watching, despite the fact that it continually spies on you and regularly calls home to Gates Central, despite the fact that it breaks software compatibility all over the ****ing board...this horrible piece of **** operating system is going to SUCCEED. Do you think Microsoft cares about all the bad press? Of course not. Why? One word: PRELOADS.

    In one year's time, Vista will be everywhere, installed on every new ****ing computer that Mom & Dad order from Dell for little Johnny. DRM will be the norm--it will be everywhere, and everyone will just bend over and accept it, just like the early users of Windows 3.1. Everyone will just assume that "gee, this is the way computers are supposed to be," just like all those idiots who assumed that rebooting their ****ing machine every 10 minutes was "normal." Vista will be a runaway success--not because it deserves to be, but because it will be installed BY DEFAULT from the factory onwards. And even if some ****head like Michael Dell offers his Indian-built ****boxes without an operating system, Microsoft STILL GETS PAID. You STILL pay the Microsoft Tax.

    No one is laughing now. If evil garbage like Vista becomes the norm (and it will, bank on that), we will no longer be in control of our own computers. We'll just be "leasing" them, buying features at cost, and always having the watchful eye of Gov't and Corporation looking over our shoulders to make sure "we have all the right certificates" to run our own ****ing software.

    I bet my life on working in the computer world. But now, here in 2007, I am forced to work on a daily basis in an evironment I ****ing despise. I'm surrounded by the Turds of Gates, 24 hours a day. So why not find another job, one without Windows? I ****ING CAN'T. Even if I wanted a non-Windows job, just take a look around can't find them, they don't exist. My life has become a janitorial service for the Windows empire. Even if I hate Vista I still have towork with it and support the goddamned thing here at work--believe me, I get to see the worst this shipile has to offer up close and personal. Hell, I've been seeing it in beta form for the better part of a year now, long before the general idiot public did.

    **** you, Gates. And **** the general public for lining up like goddamned uninformed sheep to just "buy computers" without understanding what the **** goes on them, or how they even work. Would you run out and buy "a car" without knowing what the hell is under the hood? Of course not...but millions of computer idiots around the world have been doing this for decades now.

    Vista is only the beginning. Just wait to see what comes out of the Gatesstar next. You won't like it, and neither will I. And none of us will have any say in it whatsoever because it'll be installed by default on every goddamned PC.
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    That was a cut and paste from a article a freind of mine wrote......And i agree 100% with it.
  7. DaveDSMer

    DaveDSMer Full Member

    man I read that whole thing.. someone needs to get that guy a MAC and a bottle of vodka. Though I am in agreement about the suckage of windows and lack of any real options out there for the public.

    from the look of vista it made me angry knowing that none of the lower end computers will run it and I know that there will be compatability issues from trying to network to non vista windows.. just a big mess. It looks graphicly taxing to the system so unless you computer has the beef to run high end graphics without a big deal its going to slow everything down. Just totally idiotic.. sometimes simple is better and this is an area I think that applies to.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2007
  8. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    hmmmm, well it started with MS-DOS which is a basic way of moving information from one place to another. It is the foundation-basement of all operating systems, even vista. It is now buried beneath thousands of layers of code and keeps getting buried deeper and deeper. Now to change this or make a new operating system for the people, which i have been wanting to do from the beginning would be almost impossible unless your a freakin genius in programming. Which i am not lol. But if there is someone out there who understands this i would be willing to put my time and help any way i can to create an operating system for the people.

    I totally agree about the personal privacy being ripped to none, and the fact that every email, instant message, download is all being recorded and tracked around the world and "they" get away with it because they claim oh we are looking for terrorists or porn. We are all being reduced to numbers with a profile. Yes each computer connected to the internet eventually will get profiled with all the info and stuff that you have ever done on the computer. This is mostly possible because of our buddy bill.

    Another way our rights are being lost is all the cameras going up in every city where the gov is watching saying oh we need these for traffic or to keep the safety of the public. As time passes more and more cameras pop up and the network becomes larger and our privacy becomes less. Ever hear of face recognition software? Well as soon as you walk by a camera it takes about 2 secs to snap a pic of your face and run it to the databank and boom they match it to your profle that they have been working on earlier spying on your every move on the internet.

    In the next ten years it will be too late for anyone to change this and the big brother will have watch and profiles of everyone along with bill ****head. We are in the baby stages of the internet and computers, this is just the very beginning. 20 years from now will be too late to change what is happening right now. It is very important what we can do now to stop this, this is a huge moment in time where things can still be changed, it is the beginning of everything. If nobody makes a stir then it will just keep thriving the way it is now and there will be no privacy at all! Anyone up for a good ole fashion rebellion lol.

    There are other people that have realized this hence, linux, lindows and other operating systems created by the public, but i have tried these and they really suck compared to xp and nothing is compatible. Windows 98 was a solid operating system, very simple and fast, basic code, no bull**** spying or looking for a connection to the internet so it can start spying on everyone. It only had one fault was it would freeze once and a while with the "blue screen of death, but a simple restart would fix it. If i had programming skills i would start trying to create an operating system for the people but unfortunately it is beyond my skillls. I have felt very strongly about these issues i have mentioned and have for years. Every time i think about what is happenning i get a sinking feeling in my stomach and wish there was something i could do to stop it but i don't have the skills which leaves me feeling lost and helpless lol. Sometimes i feel like it is my duty or purpose or destiny in life to change what is happening because no one else will and 3/4 of the people in this world don't even know what is really happenning.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2007
  9. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    hey Viking where is this guy lol, bring him to me!:)
  10. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    He is from Canaduh :)D ) also!!!!

    I pretty much am gunna stick with Linux based operating sytems, the more i use them the more i like them. i will still have xpee to run some windows apps, but otherwise, to hell with vista, an OS like that is actually quite scary really.
  11. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    lol, oh...Wouldn't be Toronto by any chance?
  12. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Ya i know, XP rules.. besides the spying part lol and will be around for the next ten years, i think a lot of these new computers will end up being formatted and have xp put on. I've tried the beta about a year ago when vista was called longhorn.. It pretty well suffocated my system and my computer is not that bad, not top of the line but i work on it everyday with multiple programs at once and its fine. I would use linux but i need adobe photoshop, illustrator and a few other professional programs that i don't think are available for linux.:cool:
  13. johnpd

    johnpd Full Member

    wow some stong feeling about computers.

    terminator? skynet?

  14. johnpd

    johnpd Full Member

    let me rephrase that...strong feelings about windows.
  15. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Yes but more importantly the future, If you want the gov's anal probe in your ass, watching your every move on the internet, give up all your privacy except i guess when you are hiding in your house. Cameras at every street corner, lamp post and building within the next ten years then i guess what's happening is ok lol.:)