will this amp be ok???

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by bigrob, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. bigrob

    bigrob New Member

    i havent got a clue when it comes to sub and amps lol

    basically the amp ive got now is pants its only 300watts and ive been offered a inphase amp cheap so i will buy it if its good enough to do the job for now until i can afford to buy a better one i know its not going to run the sub at its full potential but hopefully not too far off but im currently running it off a fusion en-am3002 300watt amp so im thinking the inphase one is a better alternative for now at least

    so basiclly buy it or dont bother lol

    i have this fusion powerplant sub


    will this inphase amp be ok for it

  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    sorry, but your link aren't working..

    what is the sub again? rms wattage? dual voice coil? 2ohm? 4ohm?

    what are the specs of the amp?