Wierd girlfriend

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by beaux, Sep 22, 2002.

  1. beaux

    beaux Full Member

    Been dating my chick for about a year now. Not real bad. But she doesn't get mad at me.......

    I mean...its wierd. I left her waiting in the parking lot of a football game while i ditched her and went to the bar for no reason. She told me she was sorry for being selfish. I LEFT HER IN THE PARKING LOT. I DIDN'T EVEN SHOW UP. What is wrong with this girl. I do the stupidest things and she doesn't get mad. Lately...i've actually been trying to do bad things to see if she gets mad at me. SHE DOESN'T!!!!!!!!! Her sister and I are really close....we've been friends for years. (thats how i met my gf) She is super hot. Last week...I spent the night at my gf's house. Her sister went to take a shower and she asked me if I would come talk to her while she was in the tub because she had some important things to tell me. I stayed in the bathroom sitting on the floor for 2 hours talking to my gf's naked sister. I came out expecting to be totally bitched out....but she never even acknowlegded that I was in the shower with her sister.
    I was with my last gf for over 3 years. I just found out 3 months ago that i have a little girl with her. So lately...i've been spending alot of time at my ex gf's house. Even spending the night occasionally. A normal gf would not be crazy about that situation...but sam (my gf) doesn't seem to care. She even encourages me to go stay there.

    Also...one more thing..when i first met her...she didn't give blowjobs. Three months after being with her....she decided to try it. Now...she cant get enough...she is always wanting to give me a blowjob. It gets kinda annoying actually.
    And recently...her sister told me that my gf wants to watch me & another girl. There is no way i could have sex with another girl while my gf watches.

    What is wrong with this girl...i've NEVER had a gf like this. It may sound like a dream come true to some of you guys...but this is really uncomfortable. Every time I meet one of her friends....i cant help but think. "Is this the girl she wants to watch me have sex with?"

    I know its wrong for me to be mean to her.....but I have to find some way to make her mad at me. Its just not normal. I'm used to...if i talk to a girl at a bar...my gf should be in my face about it.
  2. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    How old are you:dunno:

    Cant stop giving blowjobs :blink:
    Dude you found a girl to marry!!!
    She sounds like a very cool girl with some issues im guessing.

    Last edited by Civic96 at Sep 22 2002, 07:31 PM
  3. beaux

    beaux Full Member

    I'm 19......

    She's actually a great girl.....she just...has issues.
    How can someone not get mad when I'm in the bathroom with her older sister????Watch me sleep with another girl??? Whats with this girl??

    BUT. No matter what i do..i cant make her mad or jelious.
    I spend all my money on building my motor....she doesn't complain...she even offers to help.

    maybe she is just too good...i dont know
  4. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    If you dont mind me asking........what are you packing?
    Maybe thats the reason behind all of this :D
  5. beaux

    beaux Full Member

    Never had a complaint!!!! B)
    But whats the reason for going along with whatever I do?

    Not getting mad?? Whats with that?
  6. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    could possibly be........love?

    i dunno, she sounds cool tho ;)
  7. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    That's pretty fuckin strange...

    Maybe she lives a double life full of twisted dreanged sex and bondage and transexuals and stuff...

    Shes letting you feel her openness for now and slowly working her way into roping you into her world of fetish and peversion :D

    And wtf is the matter with you? She won't stop givin head? This is bad?? Annoying?!?!? WTF :jawdrop:
  8. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    :dunno: .........i wish i had your problems.............
  9. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I wish I was your penis.......without the whole STD thing ofcourse :D
  10. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    LOL :dance:
  11. 98LowRanger

    98LowRanger Full Member

    :dunno: .........i wish i had your problems.............[/b][/quote]
  12. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    It is beyond me as to how you justify some of the thoughtless things that you do to this girl. I hope she wakes up.

    Actually I hope this thread is a joke and she is a figment of your imagination.

    She sounds very insecure and just wanting to be admired/loved/paid attention to - pick one. You need to be sensitive to that instead of seeing how far you can push her before she breaks. You, my friend are giving guys a bad reputation.

    I know this thread is supposed to be about her, but I believe it is about you.
  13. pimo_40_oz

    pimo_40_oz Full Member

    is this the girl you molest isnt she like 14 :eek:
  14. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    :hitit: :drool: :dance: :clap: :beerchug: :p

    If there's grass on the field........PLAY BALL!!!!!!

  15. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    I was kinda thinking the same thing...I couldn't understand why he was being such a dick to his girlfriend, some of that stuff is just outright cold...

    But then I got sidetracked by his other comments and forgot my curiostiy/anger :D

    Anyway...dude thats really fucked up how you are treating the poor girl, and yet she still wants at you...that girl must be out of her mind...I hope she hits her head and realizes what you are doing to her

  16. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    maybe she likes to be treated this way because her dady

    a. Molested her
    b. Abandoned her
  17. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Where did he go?
  18. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    to talk to his gf's sister in the shower and then to the kitchen where she will bake him sweet sweet muffins........yumm :D