Who Is The Leader In Car Audio Forums???

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well lets look at the Numbers

    Traffic monitored by Aleta

    #1 ---- Real Car Audio ------ 34,401
    #2 ---- Car Audio Forum ------ 102,172
    #3 ---- Elite Car Audio ------ 111,092
    #4 ---- Car Sound ------ 115,294
    #5 ---- Term Pro ------ 118,030
    #6 ---- Sound illusions ------ 224,693
    #7 ----- Car Audio Talk ------ 1,520,189

    As you can see we have a LONG way to go, but we are moving up, so lets keep up the good work
  2. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    Real Car Audio
    doesn't seem to have much activity in their forums...
  3. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    what is that number representing
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    the number is the rank according to Alexa.com which uses the data obtained from millions and millions using their Alexa Tool bar (which I love because of the popup blocker)

    Is ranks the site based on Traffic, and Page Veiws per Vistior

    find out more at www.alexa.com


    Just because posting it light, does not mean there are not alot of people browseing

    I dont post there, but I look it over some times
  5. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    soundillusions is my home...but im extremely irritated by the eD boner there :blowup:

    i really need to spend more time doing stuff thats important than just goofing around on the net tho :)

  6. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    so now the question is how to make more people come in here and browse
    as well as post on the forums.

  7. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I still think ECA's the place to go for intelligent questions and answers.... It seems like most of the conversation there is helpful, but they do tend to flame people with dumb or newbie-type questions which sucks.

    It seems like all the questions at CAF are the same, "Which subs are louder?" :).

    All of the forums have the brands that they'll have a boner over for a while, then switch. SIN is different though, as long as eD runs that site, they're always going to have that bias. I still like SIN though, you just gotta come to expect eD to be godlike there.
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I am sorry, but you think ECA is a good site, I am going to have to ask you to leave :p

    ECA was/is the sole reason I created this site, they are the rudest SOB's on the planet, and once I beat them in traffic and Membership, I will call this site a success//

    off all the site on the internet, that is the site I despise the most
  9. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Did i not say IMO...nope, guess i should have :). I agree there are some rude people there, but there are also some very knowledgable people there as well. I would also say more flaming goes on at CAF than it does on ECA. Just my observations though Mike :).
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well another reason is the required resigation, like I said, any site that MAKES me sing in just to VIEW it, is not worth my time to go see it
  11. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    I agree. I just forget about what I wanted to look at, and move on. :angry:
  12. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Im tired of that everywhere....It would be one thing if they had the top sub on the market, but they do NOT. There sub is a good one, but it my book just above average maybe...

    Either way I think I like the people on this site the best. Its not nearley as childish as CAF and the other sites, although I still do visit CAF the most, Im not sure why, I just think it has something to do with it being the first site I ever really went to (well forum), but I find myself posting less and less over there these days.

    I think this site will stay good as long as we keep active objective moderators. No mods that have their own company...so that way when something bad gets posted about the company the thread just magically doesnt disappear. (cough Seath cough...No I mean like SI and ED..and at least seath isn't a poon. :p )
  13. Bowers805

    Bowers805 Full Member

    ECA and SI.N are the best car audio forums on teh intraweb

    Josh Laine over at SI.N is master of audio!
  14. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I called that place home for several years. Unfortunately many there that I called friends all of a sudden turned on me unprovoked. I think it was jealousy due to my friendship with Dan Wiggins or something. Since then I haven't liked the place much, which is too bad since several of them were great people to know, specifically Attomic, Musthavmusic, and a couple others.
  15. Bowers805

    Bowers805 Full Member

    I called that place home for several years. Unfortunately many there that I called friends all of a sudden turned on me unprovoked. I think it was jealousy due to my friendship with Dan Wiggins or something. Since then I haven't liked the place much, which is too bad since several of them were great people to know, specifically Attomic, Musthavmusic, and a couple others. [/b][/quote]
    It might of been your slanderous defemation of ED Products in general. I'm not really sure.

  16. Bowers805

    Bowers805 Full Member

    <_< <_< <_< <_< <_<

    They have people over there that have more experience with actual products than you could ever imagine.....

    they don't take too kindly to spam or people who make preconceived notions about products they've never had experience with......

    they also don't think the HSL is the best sub in the world... <_< <_<
  17. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I think you may have misread my posts then. I have many times said that they make good drivers. All I did was say that the A wasn't in the same league as the Brahma. But some people for some reason read into my comment that the A was the worse sub in the world or something, and got defensive. But please provide a link of "slanderous defemation" toward ED's products by me. I very much doubt that you could find it.
  18. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    We really have gone way off topic here though. I don't mind discussing this, but maybe we should start a new topic rather than hijack this one.
  19. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Even though we have mods here that own their own companies, if they ever shown to be abuse thier powers they will be delt with by me, I see EVERY acion they preform as moderators, weather it is editing a post, delting it, or what have you, it is ALL reported to me on my Admin Screend by this software, so posts can not "disaappear" with out me seeing it

    I have not let uncalled for posts about any company, weather I dis like them or not go on for too long, if there are real concerns that are presenting I will let them go on forever, weather it has a negivte inpact or not, but just people post "Brand XX suck" and not supporting that, those topics will be closed, or deleted

    Says you, but the numbers dont back that uo :rolleyes:
    All I have to say to that is :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    They have people over there that have more experience with actual products than you could ever imagine.....
    they don't take too kindly to spam or people who make preconceived notions about products they've never had experience with......
    they also don't think the HSL is the best sub in the world... 
    Most of them are just like the Children at CAF, with No product knowlege but they like the THINK they do,

    Most forums dont take a spam kindly, even though ECA is SPMAMED be and continues to this day with Email, logged in to my account I singed up with over a year ago, they will deny it, but ooohhh well

    And i never said HSL was the best sub in the world, but they are not bad either

    That you Steven, now maye you can teach the New Guy some RESPECT for other people topic so he can learn the differance between the REPLY and the NEW TOPIC buttons

    I spilt this, so all of your other posts are in a new topic, lets keep this on on track
  20. chadillac3

    chadillac3 Full Member

    How can you despise a site? Good Lord man, it's not as if every member on ECA was out to get you. I mean, come on Michael, you're an adult. Time to get over it.

    Take this as constructive criticism. I don't like all the members on ECA, but it's certainly one of the most informative sights, has a wide variety of people including manufacturers, and doesn't have the BS most of the major forums do. It's the one I call "home" and most likely always will.