I'm thinking of getting 2 pairs of Harrison Labs F Mods-one for the car and one for the home stereo-have a powered sub in my room. The filter will be in the tape monitor loop so CD recordings will be filtered. Would you get 20 or 30Hz? And another question-the Alpine MRP-500 I'll be getting soon has a 15Hz sub filter(I think). Should I add the higher freq filter or just use the built in one?
I would do the 30 Hz for most material. But, now that i really think about it, is it truely needed? Digital recordings, heck even analog ones seldom have anything really much below 35 Hz or so anyway.... And on the VERY rare occasion that such lower registers exist, you may actually want to hear, or perhaps more accuratly, feel them... food for thought Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Typically anything below 30Hz is noise, not music. And we need to protect speakers from noise. I'm like you, I would set the filter to 30Hz