Which Amp(s)?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Snausages01, Feb 28, 2003.

  1. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Which would choose to power a set of Focal Utopias (165w3)? ( This will be paired up with 2 10w7s powered by two Zapco C2k 6.0s.)

    Zapco C2k 4.0 (300+ watts per side)(Bridged) $650 (MSRP $1200+ I think)
    Tube Driver Blue TDB-2150 (150x2) $700+shipping

    Those are my two main ones that Im looking at I think. But I am also concidering:

    Sinfoni amps:
    Pair of AMPLItude 45.2 (242 watts a side)(Bridged) $777x2
    Pair of AMPLItude 90.2 (335 watts a side)(Bridged)$1050x2
    Single AMPLItude 150.2 (165 watts x 2) $1490
    Single AMPLItude 50.4 (240x2)(Bridged)$1490
    Single AMPLItude 120.4 (320+ x2)(Bridged)$2200

    Those prices are MSRP I will most likely get them a good bit cheaper (closer to dealer cost) but I dont know dealer on them at the moment so I can only really go by those prices right now.

    I think Im leaning to the top two simply beacuse I think that the zapco will give me the power I want, but I think the TDB will give me a little 'different' sound possible and it may sound a little 'warmer' or so thats its claim.

    But I am kind of curious about sinfoni and how good they really are but my only concern is that there will be no sound difference than that of the C2k which is why I am kind of hesitant to choose that amp.

    Just any input you can give me on these amps would be of help.

  2. squatchie

    squatchie Full Member

    I would prefer the zapco, if only to provide continuity to your system install. I have seen many cars that produce a lot of sound, but not a whole lot (outside of car shows) that look and feel like the stereo is ment to be there.
  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Why the 4 channel Zapco bridged to 2 channels?
    Doesn't Zapco make a 2 channel that suits your needs? :blink:

    I have argued in favor of bridging 4 channel amps to 2 channels to get the maximum power out of them for minimum money...
    But in doing so, there are trade-offs, higher THD, potentially less headroom (which you could gain back somewhat in your case by running ultra-conservative on the gains)...

    In your case, I was wondering as to the benefits...
    More power for less money isn't the issue, this is a $650 amp, you can get the power you are looking for (and more) for way less, from that standpoint.
    ...spending $650 for a high end amp, with the arguably nominal quality increases over mid-grade, medium-dollar stuff... doesn't seem fair to compromise those nominal increases in sound quality by running it bridged. ;)
    And not to mention 330x2 seems like way more power than you could use at any rate - "leaving headroom" or not!

    I bet you could find a high-end Zapco amp that suits your needs, that would have better resulting sound quality, perfect amount of headroom, and for less money.
    But I am not that familiar with Zapco's current offerings.
  4. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Thats just it. The reason I did not go with the 4.0 from the start is beacuse I did not want THD to double and I did not want to deal with the other 'trade-offs'. I originaly chose the 6.0 at 150x2 thats the biggest amp that they have as far as power for 2 channels besides the 9.0, which is a full range class. I can still get the 6.0 I have paid for half of it and it is just sittin at the shop until someone buys it. But I think that I would like more power than the 6.0 offers.

    Im not bridging down the 4.0 to save money by any means. It costs more than the 6.0 (not by much in my case though) The only reason I am looking to bridge that amp is so I can get the power that I want. And part of the reason I want a LOT of power is so I can set the gains extremely conservative or just not even use them.

    Now I run into the same problem with the Sinfonis I can get one or two of those but then I would probably end up bridging them. So this is where the problems lies...Basically to get the power that i want I am going to have to bridge the amp.

    Same thing with w TDB I guess I could getone of those like I have concidered BUT the only reason I havent is beacuse I am afraid I wont get the power I want. Now if I could see the specs on their 'bigger' amp that may clear some of this up. I could also do a pair of TDBs I guess but then I run into the problem with THD doubling again and I dont know how it will affect that amp( if that paticular amp can even be bridged)
  5. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Tube Driver BLUE 2150:

    Power @ 4ohms, 14V 2 x 150Watts RMS, Both channels driven (TRUE Power)
    1 x 500Watts RMS, Mono (Bridged)

    Well thats another option. 500 watts bridged:) I would assume gains would not even come into play. Perhaps I could get them to cut me a deal on two. (Probably not :()

    Part of the reason Im big on Zapco is because of the prices I get them for. Same with sinfoni I should be able to get them for a good price, but TDB Im stuck buying factory direct at full price :(
  6. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I personally don't think you can go wrong with any three of those as far as quality is concerned. I know alot of people who fall in love with Zapco once they use them for a while, so i'd be inclined to lean towards Zapco for that reason along with the price.

    Do you really need 300+watts to a front stage?????? I'm running 65w a side right now and its more than enough, but i also don't have as much bass as you do. I dunno, it just seems to me that 300+watts is excessive.

    On the amps though, if it were between Sinfoni and Zapco and the costs were similar, I'd be very hard pressed to choose one over the other from what i've read.
  7. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Well I have used the zapco 350x2 thats what I ran in the last install and I was very happy with it. I also have two 6.0s right now sitting in the boxes on my floor. :(

    And I do think it is excessive to run 300 watts to the front stage, BUT my main problem is I can really find much in between 150 and 300+ so its really one or the other. Also part of the reason I am doing a lot of power is so I can get a good bit of head room.

    I do want the the bass to be proportional with the other speakers, but I dont think I am going to have as much bass as you think I will as this will be pretty much a 100% SQ system.

    And between Zapco and Sinfoni Im not too sure about them yet but price will be a factor between these two amps. If the zapco is a good bit cheaper than the sinfoni then zapco is my choice. But I keep going back to the TDB. For some reason something keeps striking my eye about that amp. I dunno I sent them an email asking the specs of the other two amps and what kinda of price I could get for a pair of the Tube Driver BLUE 2150. So Ill see what they say when they give me an email back (if they ever do :angry: )

  8. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I'd be very tempted to go with Zapco then if i were you. It doesn't really get THAT much better than Zapco...at least i wouldn't think so.

    As far as the power goes...i've never heard a system with 300w a side to the fronts, but i know i don't need it any louder than what mine is at 65w a side (w/ the gains all the way down). That's why i just can't justify another 250w...seems to be alot of overkill.

    To each his own :). I'd definitely like to hear a setup like yours.