I finally made a nice box for my 3 10" old school rf punch dvc's,but now I want something different.I will change the baffle board to fit whatever I get.The specs on the box are:3.32 cubes(after port disp.) tuned to 32.64 hz.I'm leaning towards 1 15 but Idk.Maybe I can find 12's that will work.I have a power acoustik ps1-4000d amp http://www.caraudiomix.com/PS1_4000D_p/ps1-4000d.htm So I can power just about anything.I just bought 2 rockford fosgate t1 10's for 5 bucks,but 1 has bad coils and the other has a loose spider.Rockford Fosgate will not repair these subs,they will only give me a current model for 200 bucks a piece.Thats out of my price range.I will need to sell my current 10's to purchase something different,but I'm not sure what to do.I just want it to hit extremely hard.Any suggestions would be appreciated.
ask PSI how much it would cost to repair them and make them how you want them. COMPLETELY custom. Dave will make them however you want them, like for your car, your box, your music, and your power. http://www.fixmyspeaker.com/index.php