What do you think of this flash Menu

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by The_Ancient, Apr 23, 2002.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I created a Flash Menu for the Brands list ot go on the right hand side of the Site


    if you guys like it I may make one for the Catagories tree as well
  2. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    mike did u get that from flashbuttons.com?

    i just used that menu the other day for a project at school

    there are some other sweet ones there also:)
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Kinda unique, very annoying. I say dump it.
  4. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    Does it make any noise?
    (not being a smartass, I don't have my receiver hooked up to my PC right now... I'm in the process of moving...)
    If its silent, I kinda like it...
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yes that is what i wish i could take off, if it did not have the Sound effects it would be perfect
  6. PimpinInMyJeep

    PimpinInMyJeep Full Member

    mike, can't you just edit the file...? the swf? get flash 5 and mod it, and take off the banner down on the bottom
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    no they are import protected
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I cna and probally will remove the Flash Buttons.com ad at the bottom by singing up for a membership at the site for $20 per year. I am just seeing if I am going to use it before I sepnd the money you know
  9. zabooza

    zabooza Full Member

    I like them both, Mike. I say go for it!:werd:
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    unfortunately it does make noise Josh. That is why I say it's annoying. If it weren't for that I agree.
  11. superman

    superman Guest

  12. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    IMO most flash is gaudy...its overused...

    The menus with the rotating cubes are real nice...the first one is annoying as hell

    If you hunt around you might be able to find someone that would make you one for a decent price...better than paying 20 bucks a month for a prefab one...
  13. PimpinInMyJeep

    PimpinInMyJeep Full Member

    you might luck out and find someone on the board to it for yeah...i could do a imageready menu, or fireworks..but ehhh never learned flash..
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I happen to Like Flash

    Once I master PHP, that is the Next thing i want to learn

    That is $20 A YEAR, and Once I make the Buttons I dont have to keep playing to use them, just if I want to make more buttons after that year

    But With in that year I can make as many Buttons as I want of many differant styles

    and Most of the People that Will do Flash will not do COMPLICATED buttons like that on for that about of money TRUST ME, Flash is not a Cheap thing to buy
  15. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    ya i just used that site to make some buttons. its cool that u can make it custom...:)