What Do You Think Of This Car?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by AbRaKaDaVa, May 12, 2002.

  1. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

  2. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    if you like boats Id say go for it hahaha
  3. bigbumpin16

    bigbumpin16 Full Member

    all i can say is:
  4. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    It matters how old you are. If you are young and someone catches you in that you will be laughed at. If you are old that car seems pretty nice.
    Its also good for those days where you and your buddies wanna go fishing.:D
  5. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    What are you, nuts?? The Impala/Caprice's of that year are schwaeet lookin....espessialy with that grill on them...with some 16 inch alloy wheels and a little drop...tinted windows....no offence or anything but i think they look 9000 times better than hondas do =

    I'm not too sure about the racing stripes...they look...okay...but unless I can get the car for 6,500 i'm gonna try to find another police package caprice...

    Maybe i'm just wierd...I'd buy a caddy before a Beamer or a mercedies...*Shrugs*
  6. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I am fully aware of the capabilities of those 2 cars it is just that it looks too outdated in my opinion. And that is all it is......my opinion. What is in the police package by the way?
  7. bigbumpin16

    bigbumpin16 Full Member

    not too crazy about the paint job and the stripes
    but other than that
    its not too bad
  8. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Police package...the piggies need big fast cars to chase down unlawful citizens...all 5-0 cars have bigger engines, dual exaust...and are just all around faster than their domestic street car counterparts..

    The cops used the Caprice usualy as unmarked squad cars

    There were two versions of the Police package one was made spacificly for the po-po's and the other was made for the general public...either can have either leather or that wierd shit they make cop car seats out of that never ever seems to fade or rip or anything...but its ugly as fuck

    Basicly the Caprice w/ Police Package is the same or close to the Impala SS....but much cheeper
  9. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    the car is too big for my taste.
    Cops can have cars as fast as they want but if I take them on a windy road with lots of turns its all over.
    Whatever they can do to improve their handling I can do the same if not more.

    Funny but true story is that my friend outwitted a cop in his 97 bonneville.
    He was speeding down a road when a cop got on his tail. The cop didnt turn on his lights because he was only going 10 over the speed limit and wanted to follow him around "secretly" so he can bust him for something else.
    My friend realized that the cop was trailing him and made a few random turns to see if the cop would follow. Surely enough he did.
    My friend was on Dunhams Corner Road(big) and he made a quick turn onto a side street. He floored it and pulled into the first apartment complex he saw. Turned off the lights and put his head down just enough to see the cop pass by. The cop made about 3 circles around that street and finally gave up. I bet he was pissed cuz he missed an opportunity to give a ticket b/c he got greedy.
  10. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Good idea, run from the cops on a windey road...that'll be good....until they get backup to incercept you further on down the road =P

    The top speed on the Impala SS and cop packaged Caprice cars is insane....Theres no way in hell I'd take car that big that fast, it'd be dangerous...they're supose to have pretty decent eceleration...

    *Shrugs* Even if I only end up getting a standard V8 4.8 lieter or whatever it is caprice, I still like the way they look and i love the interior...nice and big and comfey...plus big trunk...plenty of room for subs :D

    Shit, almost anything would be better than my fucking Grand Marquies...altho I did just get a really cool looking chrome front lisence plate with a Mercury logo on it...:D
  11. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    paint tha hoe black put some 20" niche bellas and go be a:dapimp:
  12. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    man for $6500. i can go get an explorer, put a $3000 system in it, and have $$$ left over......:D
  13. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Too bad explorers are gay as hell and they roll over :D

    Not to mention one of those cars would Sssmooooke an explorer :D
  14. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    so the explorers roll over when u cant drive and slow...ok well there kinda slow, but with as much $$$ as your gonna spend i could get like 2 DD beasts and put them in the back. u would smoke me but ill be 3 times as loud.....;)
  15. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Louder? Yes

    3x Louder?? No way

    I'm going to have 3 HSL eXcursions in the back :D
  16. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    lol ya i forgot you were gonna get 3 excursions. my bad......:)
  17. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Can't forget that they're the 15's :D Boom Boom :naughty:

    ILLCOMM Full Member

    the racing stripes look like ass...and i thought a police package only meant an upgraded electrical system...i'm 99% sure chevy doenst put bigger engines in "police" models.
  19. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    You're 99% wrong
  20. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    cough lt1 cough!:bs: