I don't know if this is possible, here is what I want to do. I want to make my car as least attractive to thieves as possible, don't want to loose another car stereo. I want to use my Ipod instead of a car radio, that way there will be no radio visible until I turn on the Ipod and the speakers in the trunk say "Hello!" My problem is how do I connect this, do I buy a car amp and connect the ipod to it? I know I need a pre amp somewhere, will the ipod be the pre amp? Thanks in advance.
Perhaps one of the pros here can tell us why this wont work, but if it were me, I'd experiment by hooking my Ipod directly to the amp via a mini-to-RCA cable. A cable like this: http://www.amazon.com/Belkin-7-Foot-Stereo-Link-Cable/dp/B0001OQTLY I've never tried this in a car, but I've had success with a home receiver (which is a large amp) You would probably want your amp gain on the low side to minimize distortion.
it can be done. you can buy an eq, get the adapter like in the above post. wire it to an amp, hook up a remote turn on for the amp and done.
I think you could hook your ipod up through a line driver via the headphone/aux plug using the mini-plug to RCA cable that klinkster posted. Don't quote me on this, but I vaguely remember that the ipod's output voltage is around 1.2V, so hooking it up directly to the amp probably wouldn't be too loud or provide very good SQ, hence the need for a line driver or crossover/EQ, as Pedro suggested.
It will be fine. An I-Pod have plenty of voltage to drive most amps, which can usually be driven by 100mv, 1/10th of a volt. We actually do this to bench test amps at our store.
Thanks for all the good advice, I will give it a go. I need some sound in the car desperately Sorry for taking so long to reply to this post. Thanks again.