What amp would be better?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Matt5L, Jan 3, 2003.

  1. Matt5L

    Matt5L Guest

    I need a amp for my Infinity Reference 6.5 Component set. I can get a CONCEPT or a CROSSFIRE which would be better? They are the same price roughly the Crossfire is a bit more expencive. What would be a better amp? I have a CROSSFIRE1000D running my sub.

  2. Shades9323

    Shades9323 Guest

    Does the x-fire amp match your other x-fire amp? I would go with the x-fire.
  3. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    I dont see many Concept products out there, Im sure they are good products but Crossfire is a tried and true product Id say spend the extra money and go for the crossfire besides it will match better with you 1000d
  4. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I agree with this guy.
  5. Matt5L

    Matt5L Guest

    yea but how will it be for SQ? Are they not more of a bass heavy amp? Im running components right....? ;)
  6. gscustoms

    gscustoms Full Member

    Bass heavy amp??

    as long as the wattage was right, and the xover was decent i would think it would be fine...
  7. Matt5L

    Matt5L Guest

    yea but for the SQ side of it wouldnt the concept be better? if not im going to take the xfire since it matchs my other amp
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    there is no such thing as a "bass heavy" amp

    a amplifier, AMPLIFIES the signal it is given, it is given a heavy bass signal, it will amplify the heavy bass.

    The only differances in SQ between amps are the Quality of the Crossovers, or other Sound Processing Features of the amp, Which will not make it "bass heavy" if you set them right

    and I do carry Crossfire :D
  9. Matt5L

    Matt5L Guest

    I allready have some1 to purchase from. But what amp do you think would make my speakers sound cleaner?
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Who you buying from, You know I am better :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

    I really dont know, I like Crossfire, but I dont have much Expreance with Concept so I can not tell you
  11. Matt5L

    Matt5L Guest

    The thing is the concept is brand new in the box, the crossfire is used and its still $15 more :)