Whaddup with me....WillyD

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Willy D, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Well guys....Here is what I have been up to....(I will try to make it kinda condensed:):))

    I was gettin really geared up, then we had cold (winter)....I was kinda just coastin...Stress at work, divorce, life in general....

    I got myself hooked up in a new band...playin alot....Keepin busy with my boys' schedules....#1 son just graduated and is college bound....Got some scholarships. He is going to Butler in the fall....busy with all that (financial, etc...hell he is gonna minor in music...tenor sax..gotta buy one $3,000.00+)

    #2 son (15) just finished up soccer and 2nd round of AAU basketball...Now it is baseball.....He is startin drivers ed this summer too....

    I decided to maybe sell the house (was gonna have to refinance soon and give ex 50% of equity)....Sold the house in two days...word of mouth, no realtor...from the day we decided on price untill closing?? 5 weeks and I agreed to give possesion to new owner within a week (big mistake)....

    I moved from my town of the last 19 years to a town closer to work...Now renting a townhouse....Had to move all my garage stuff into storage (no garage now)....My entire home theater system is basically in closets here.

    I am finally ready to complete the install on my truck....Ripped back seat and some interior out last saturday.....

    That is the very short condensed version of the last 4-6 months.....

  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the hard times.....

    But it sounds like you are ready to get your life back on traxk and do your own thing! That is Great!

    In a band are ya???
    Whaddya play? I played the Drums for many years.....
  3. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    I don't know where to start. The owner of the shop I work at just got divorsed after a 20+ year marriage. He took it well, but the shop keeps him busy.

    So I would recommend time with friends and a hobby.

    I'm still trying to figure out how I will pay back my student loans, plus my son started college last year. I understand the money thing.

    Just one day at a time I guess.
  4. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Divorce was final last August....One week before our 19th anniversary....

    We dated for 5 years prior to marriage....We decided to have kids right away hoping to be young still when they were grown....I will be 40 this coming Sunday. My youngest is 15.....It has been the hardest 2-3 years of my life..Was suspended from my job just prior to our separation (aug of '05)due to stress and fatigue...

    Been playin drums since age 10....I keep busy....Not a "bad" divorce...ex and I still get along and see each other, talk, etc.....Kids have been stellar....

    My oldest graduated with honors....National honor society, student goverment, ranked 8th in his class....academic awards...Won Louis Armstrong jazz award, John Philip Souza award.....Straight "A"s through his entire school life...Even with the separation, divorce, etc....He still maintained and worked part time through it....My youngest....just as smart as oldest, but more into athletics....Good kids.

    They live with their mom and she is a super mom.....

    Life is hard, at times, I thought not worth living.....

    but....enough of that....I am still here


  5. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Hang in there Willy lol, you have a lot going for you and people counting on you too. Life has it's way of kicking you down to zero every once and a while but that's life. Gotta keep struggling, pushing that boulder up that freakin never ending hill until the end lol. I know that boulder real well, it's a bitch, But the good times in between seem to make it all worth it.
  6. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    keep it real willy...I just graduated and am going to be attending the University of Evansville this fall. Congratulations on your sons graduation.
  7. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Thanks guys....
  8. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    hang in there buddy... You are gunna do fine. Thoughts of doing things that are, shall we say....permanant....are not an option.

    Sounds like you have a great relationship with your kids and your your ex still is polite to you......this is good.....and in the future, may create a whole nother realm to your life. that will be better than what it was.

    Talk is cheap, but I have been through "shytty circumstances" myself.....

    You will be OK.....Time heals the pain and the hurt....I know..................

    Now, about those drums....

    I played on Remo limiteds for many years, Zildjans and a few other odds and ends...What is your kit?
  9. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Kit #1....my main kit

    Yamaha Beech custom...10,12,13,16 toms...22 kick...6.5x14 pearl, nickel plated brass snare, 6,8 concert toms (old pearls)....Iron Cobra double pedal...14" zildjian hats, 8" orion splash, 10" paiste splash, 18" sabian HHX crash, 18" paiste 2002 crash, 22" zildjian ride...gibraltar curved rack with side extensions..

    Pearl Export select.....10,12,14 toms...22 kick....5x14 snare...
    gibraltar intruder II double pedal.....13" zildjian hats, 16" zildjian crash, 20" paiste 2002 (used as ride/crash)


    Mapex micro pro..10,12,14 toms (very shallow depth)....20" kick...4x13 snare..
    Gibraltar....intruder single pedal...direct drive.....share cymblas with kit #2

  10. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member


    VERY NICE!!!!

    And much invested!!!!

    I font have NEAR what you have! The basic ensemble includes 4 toms, snare, kick drum, paiste high hat, a zildjan rock/ride, zildjan splash, and crash, and 2 other zildjans i cant remember!!! It has been years since I got it all out and set up!!! I always used 7A sticks for the most part really liked the feel of them.... I have a very nice kickpedal...gut crap, cant remember the name of it either!!!! LOL!!! Paid way too much for it but the action is very fast and accurate. Never used a double kick pedal, but always wanted to try one.

    My dauhter has wanted to play drums since she was a little tyke...maybe i need to set them back up and get her into the groove of things....(after i get back into the groove!!! LOL!!! )