waves maxxbass

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by pedro quiroga, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    have any of you guys heard of this?
    they claim to make a door speaker sound like a 10 sub.:eek:

    or a 10 in sub sound like a 12 or 15.somthing to do about psycho acoustics.:huh: any one know how much these are?
    i cant find a price on it.its the maxxbass103.for cars.:confused:

    wondering if it works or not.idont know how to insert a link,but if you type in maxx.com.just look for the 103.
    it has a video explaining it.sounds strait forward enough.listen with head phones on the demo.
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    phsyco-acoustics, I love that term!!! It it is a real term too....

    THis idea has been around for several years. The video did an OK job of explaing it. Basically you take a speaker, send a processed signal, and you can trick your mind, or ears into thinking that you are hearing lower frequencies. The processor samples the music ontinuously and antime a bass note is played, it also sends out another frequency that is a harmonic of the original, when the two frquencies are combined, you "believe" you are hearing another frequency. does the technology work,??? Yes, would i put it into my car,?????No,

    Oh heres a link

  3. CadillacETC1997

    CadillacETC1997 Well-Known Member

    why wouldnt you use it Vik just curious?
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt use it because it introduces signals, or sound thatt is not from the original recording. Remember, this is an physco-acoustic effect, the sub=bass your mind is percieving, REALLY AINT THERE!!! It wont make your system louder on a blast mic, nor will it show any real difference on an RTA at the low frequencies. It is a band aid for lack of cone surface area to move air, which is how we get sb-bass. It would be fun to play with I suppose just for the hell of it, but I wont spend money on it!!!
  5. CadillacETC1997

    CadillacETC1997 Well-Known Member

    i agree about the spending money part haha
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ok.it says it puts less strain on the drivers.isnt that a good thing?

    i was thinking on useing one for the doors.when i get some funds together.key word "thinking".not sure yet. need to do a lot of research.still cant find a price on one.

    it reminds me of an epicenter.kinda. i heard one one on an 8in bazzoka once.the guy had only 50 watts going to it.

    the diff was night and day.sounded like a 12 with twice the power.
  7. Throttletune

    Throttletune Full Member

    If the sub-base isn't really there, and they say the voices in my head aren't really there, would the two cancel each other out?
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    since this is my thread i posted new photos of my new pioneer.i still dont know how to post a pic directly to the thread

  9. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ok i dug around on the dealer locator and found a shop down the road from me.if i buy direct from them it's like 300 bucks.OUCH!thats too much for me.even if i had the money to spend on it.

    i can use that for much needed sound deadening.............doors........they rattle a little.oh well.

    i might go down for a demo though.am still very curious how they sound in a car/truck.
  10. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Good point, that should enable any factory sytem to well over 3,745 dB at 40Hz....

    Or make your voices that no one else hears actually start to make sense.
  11. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    head on down and check it out, report back here on how it sounds.........
  12. Throttletune

    Throttletune Full Member

    Oh, they always make sense.

    To me.
  13. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    You need more beer, or at least a few shots of whiskey, then call me in the morning and we will see what they say then.
  14. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    hey throttle, just noticed you are out of Denver (Go Broncos!!! my ALL time favorite team) what part of Denver you from, i had some old freinds that lived out in Northglenn....
  15. Throttletune

    Throttletune Full Member

    Hi Viking,

    Westminster, which is like the next town south of there. Northglenn is around 104th, and I'm at 76th. Broncos are doing OK this year. They want ol Jakes head on a pole, and want that new kid in so bad they can taste it. I mean, 5 and 1 ain't near good enough for the people here, don'tcha know.

    Course, the beer and the whiskey made me act on what the voices said, so I had to set that down. Got to the point the police were hearing em too.....
  16. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    yeah i think i'll check it out,but wont be till week after next.they arent open on the weekends and i took on two extra days at work for a friend.can you say cha ching!! they are closed by the time i get home.

    but its 5, 13 hour days.come next friday night i'll be dead.lol.oh well anything to pay the morgage.
  17. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ok.so i finally went down to the place.guess what the sales"kid" had no idea what i was talking about.he said its not sold here.

    so we'll never know.
  18. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Godd, glad to know this thread will die off VERY soon!!!!!! tell the sales kid to explain to you why a percieved sound is better than an actual sound, and why they put low profile ires on a 4x4, and why the demo board he is tryin to sell stuff off of has a nice click and pop evertime he changes amps or sources or speakers, then tell him The Viking says he can choke on a C0(k ............I am not godlike, just god like in YOUR eyes, and thats all the godhood I need to be a god, goddamnnit...LOL!!!!!!

    I need a beer.................
  19. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    holy crap.you know what.they were repairing the sound board.cause it was makeing noise. how did you know?

    are you stalking me......? lol.
  20. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Yes i am, my UFO buddies form Vega, who drive a vega BTW, transort me form here to your house all the time....dude, ditch the freekin curtains, they are, well, stupid, and stop tryuin to hide the dammed KY all the time, the trunk monkey needs his "special time" too