whats better 2 w7's 12 or a 21 death penalty ? i just want loud clean bass that could be hear from blocks away
considering the DP21 needs a HUGE enclosure of atleast 7.5 cubic feet NET volume compared to the two 12W7's which only need around 3.5 cu ft NET for both. This is comparing apples to beef. Also Pedro that first pic I is not the DP21...the DP has a triple stack motor. That picture is of the new IA Warden series with the neo column magnets
i could get 3 12 w7 for 725 with box is it a good deal? i just want 2 might sell or trade the other there in good condition
that sounds like a pretty good deal to me! thats like the price of one lol. those 2 w7s are going to be beast! you could use the money u get from selling the third one towards an amp to push both 13w7s
i havent found any subs for the price i wanted i got 600 ish to spend on some subs i came across a critical mass ul12 will that be louder than 2 w7's?