Viper Responder (790vx)

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Snausages01, Nov 29, 2003.

  1. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    The Viper responder (790VX) is a pretty good unit, but just as any other alarm I believe it needs quite a few upgrades to make it a "really good/great" alarm.

    The range of the page is pretty good; I think it’s about the same as most other units out there. However, the remotes are quite fragile considering the environments they are made for. I am on my 3rd remote now, but let me explain. The first one that broke was my fault no question about it, I feel on it when playing football. The second one though, I took pretty good care of. I had it on my keychain and maybe dropped it a total of one time ( I mean its going to happen people drop keys) and just after time about 3 or 4 months from it being in my pocket with the keys the volume on it got extremely quite (to the point where the remote was almost useless). I always asked for cases or some other way to attach it to my person other than the key ring. Well they have fixed that with their new remotes. Also, the lights on the old remotes were pretty crappy, but that too has been fixed on the new remotes.

    If I were not so lucky as to a dealer that really takes care of me I would be out close to if not more than $200 on the remotes alone. So if your looking at pager alarms I suggest you really think about the cost of replacement alarms and how you plan to carry it with you.

    As far as making the alarm better I would definitely suggest a hood lock and back up siren with battery at the bare minimum. Also I would got as far as doing those two things and maybe back up battery for the whole system as well as louder sirens and possibly some strobes to draw more attention to it at night.

    Also, if your thinking about this alarm I would suggest getting the second (non LCD remote) and keeping that on keychain and the other one inside, or when you go somewhere like the movies take it with you, but other than trips where your going to be leaving your car in an 'unsafe' place I would leave it at home (like if I were just going to the store briefly).



  2. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Old Remote


  3. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    thanks for the review...

    have you tested it out by intentionally tripping it? if sensitive is it? are there multiple sensitivity settings...or warnings based on sensitivity detected?
  4. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    There is a warning if a 'bump' is detected. Also, the sensitivity can be changed. Mine isn't set very sensitive, although I do need to change that. Plus, they just zip tied the sensor to some wires in stead of putting it on a hard surface. :( I am going to change that once I start doing some work on the truck.
  5. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    hmmm...that was ghetto of them....
  6. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Yes it was...

    In fact though as a short cut many shops will do that...Just a waste of time if you ask me, why not just take the extra minute or two and do it right. If you want it done right do it yourself! Infact I believe they spliced in the wrong wires several times on the passanger side and just butt connected them back together. :eek: Just really aggervates me, but it was something I was willing to pay for instead of doing it myself. Plus you know the warranties offered by the alarm companies are only vaild if done by an authorized dealer, even though I probably could have done a better job myself.
  7. MMats4life

    MMats4life Full Member

    just some comment to add....

    i have been dealing with the same problems here... one the old white remotes had interal problem (board was splitting apart) and this was causing lots of frustration an anger. the remotes should be able to take an impact from a normal drop on the concreate...thats should be a design requirement. Either way the new blue remotes have been redisgned and fixed (although 1 of the two i got was still defective out of the package). Your dealer should have been able to get your old remote warranteed with a new one b/c of the problems.

    on a second note... zip ties on the shock sensor is normal and is recomended by many alarm manufactures in installation manuals. this is done because harnesses are more sensitive to impacts from the viehical frame. so besides making it eaiser to install, it is practical and wont hurt anything (i do it will 90 percent of alarm installs).
    now cutting wires that are not used is getto and unacceptable.

    heres my .02 ... look at the autopage 750lcd... nicer looking remote with alot more usefull features then the viper (although its DEI). I have droped it many many many times and no problems at all and is 100% reliable.
  8. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Hrm...I had no idea that you were supposed to install the shock sensor on a wiring harness opposed to hard surface. It seems like the it would be a lot less sensitve on the wiring harness opposed to it being on a hard surface.

    Yea I heard about problems with the other remotes and know the dealers didnt have to warranty them, but I was also told that Viper/DEI had been warranting them with no problems due to the problems with the remotes. Either way I think the second back up remote is a good idea and I like my plan for using the remotes (also I wont scratch up the LDC one...I think they should have a like a leather case or something for it like they do the phones)

    As far as the other alarm being better...Cant really comment there because I have no experince with it. However, I would assume that the ranges would be about the same and hopefuly vipers new remote will last and keep up with the competition.

    What other features does the other one have that the viper does not?