1. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    Hi guys, I have a viper 560xv that I've had in my truck for about two years now. It's a fantastic alarm system. I've been impressed with it's reliability and ease of operation, but a couple of months ago, the remote starter quit functioning after one of the girls I was dating tried to re-start it while it was running. ever since then, it won't start, flash or even try. I had it installed by a local audio company which went out of business last year, so I don't have the installation paperwork which provides the troubleshooting guides.(they kept all the paperwork). I've inspected all of the fuses, and they are all fine. anyone have any suggestions on what else to check, or where to get a copy of the paperwork, or know a troubleshooting forum? anyone have the same system and know what to do? :huh: thanks - Jeff
  2. clipser-gs-t

    clipser-gs-t Full Member

    I would suggest calling customer service, and see if you can still get a new remote.
  3. 1wykdmk8

    1wykdmk8 Adminstigator

    Was the car running with the key or was it running with the remote start? If it was running with the key and not the remote start then it could be a latching relay in the remote start that latched and will not release for some reason. I looked at all my manuals and talked with a friend of mine that is an installer for DEI (maker of the model you have) and what he said is to try to reboot the system by removing the positive terminal on the battery for approximately 10 -15 seconds (to give the brain enuf time to reset) and reinstall the battery terminal. DO NOT disconnect the negative terminal, if you do you have to put that on first before you hook the positive terminal or you will blow up the brain for the whole alarm. If that does not work, then post back here and I might be able to help again.
  4. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    Clipser- both of the remotes still work fine. The alarm and keyless entry work flawlessly, and the led on the remote still flashes when I try to activate the remote starter. It's just that the truck won't respond to the starter commands. Thank you for the advice, though!

    1wykdmk8- (what do I call you for short?)! The truck was running from the remote starter command when she inserted the key and tried to start it (re-start it). It might be just coincidence that that the r.starter quit working afterward, but you never know- I will try to "reboot" the brain by disconnecting the pos. terminal for 15 sec. and get back with you asap. Thank you both very much for the Good advice.... and I sure wish I had a freind at DEI! - Jeff
  5. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member


    Well, 1wykdmk8.... sorry about the delay in reporting, but my best friend's beretta blew up so I've been letting him borrow my truck until he could find a suitable replacement.. I trust him and was never worried about my truck, but I was nervous as hell about my system.:( ..anyhow I've got the truck back now and I tried the disconnect trick that you told me about for 15 sec, to no avail.. so I tried it again, and left it disconnected for about 2min. - still didn't work. So I got ahold of the installation guide from directed and started troubleshooting. I was under the dash looking for the starter disconnect (remote start cutoff toggle) when I noticed a black and white wire that came out of one of the dei harnesses and went nowhere. I looked up the color codes for the wiring on the 560xv and learned that the blk/wht wire in that harness was the ground wire for the relay to the remote start.. looked around, and sure enough! there was a crimp connect that had no wire. It's weird that it was pulled out of there since there's no stress on that harness and the whole fury of wires is tucked well up into the dash, out of reach of anything that would interfere with it's complacency, But anyway..she's hooked up again, and working perfectly. I sure did miss that remote start this last winter.-BRRR!

    thank you both for your suggestions, I really apprecieate the quick replies
  6. Duct Tape

    Duct Tape Full Member

    there is a relay pack with about 4 or 5 relays under the dash, there is 3 amp fuse in there, try checking that, its most likely blown and that is causing the problem.

    to find it just follow the wiring coming off of the black brainbox of the viper.
  7. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    thank you very much, but I hope I'm done chasing wires for a while:D
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2006
  8. Duct Tape

    Duct Tape Full Member

    my bad, didnt read the whole thread. ooops
  9. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    it's okay, dude.. I still appreciate the help, man..
  10. 1wykdmk8

    1wykdmk8 Adminstigator

    Glad you got it fixed, cause if rebootin the system did not work you were going to hafta chase wires.....thank god it was an easy wire to find/fix. :D
  11. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    yeah, thanks for that.. with me, it's usually the one wire that threads through the gas tank, and into the torque converter, and then back through the muffler:rolleyes:

    I got lucky this time with an easy one and available resources online, and thank you all again very much for all of the help and suggestions.

    kinda suprised that "sell that crappy ford" wasn't suggested even once:lol: