viking ur evil

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by cronarct, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. cronarct

    cronarct Full Member

    i read one of your post from december of 2006, when u were asked about ur display pictured and u said its was Nikola Tesla, untill then i never heard the name and D A M N Y O U i researched the guy on yahoo and iv been reading about him for 2 hours for no reason just reading why did u have to introduce his name to me lol *ouch* my head hurts now
  2. psycho_maniac

    psycho_maniac Full Member

    Now your evil because I'm researching him too. LOL
  3. jmenace_thakidd

    jmenace_thakidd Full Member

    i guess its a chain reaction cause im reading on him also lol
  4. cronarct

    cronarct Full Member

    yeah he is addicting lol
  5. sleeper SRT4

    sleeper SRT4 Full Member

    well why'd you do it to begin with?
  6. magnum340

    magnum340 Full Member

    nikola tesla?? i think i must be at least a jonior member
  7. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Tesla was a man ahead of his time. he was a freekin genous. His ideas and discoveries are with to this day. And some are still held in secrecy. Radio transmitted power, turbines, AC current, scalar wave technology, electromagnetism, the lost goes on and on.

    His experiments and vast knowledge, along with his keen memory and and a way of thinking that was somewhat unorthodox, allowed him to be one of the greatest, if not THE greatest discoverers of all time. I put him ahead of all of them....including Einstien.....

    Study him well, and you wil learn much. His unfortunate death in 1943 led to the confiscation of vast amounts of information by the governmant agencies at the time.

    A movie was out years ago that dealt with one of his ideas......based on a true story, called the Philedelphia experimant. The movie was OK, but the actual facts and info involving what happened are mind boggling. Do a search on that!

    Also look at the Scalar wave technology he developed in the early 1900's.....this is the forerunner of the mid 80's and beyonds star wars technology.

    Just keep digging for info, it never gets old!!!
  8. magnum340

    magnum340 Full Member

    he also made the first clone machine, if you ever seen the movie the prestiege, greate movie anyways i think its soposte to be him he fits the profile. but if not , stick with what viking said.
  9. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    "the list goes on and on"
  10. double b26

    double b26 Full Member

    i love reading about Tesla. he really was a man ahead of his time. its a shame that Einstein gets all the recognition...Tesla was just as important. i especially like to read about his the anti-gravity propulsion system he claimed to have perfected. and the fact that the us government wouldnt listen to his ideas, so he took it to germany. and when he died, the us gov confiscated the stuff out of his lab...still under lock and key to this day (last i heard).

    the shame is that Tesla pioneered so much, but all you ever hear about him is the Tesla coil...which is probably his most unimportant invention.
  11. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Ever hear the phrase "i know too much" lol Important people made sure that him and all his info was kept under lock and key.

    When you get to the point he was at and you see that your invention that you started out creating for the good of the earth and it's people could also be used as a weapon, you can be sure to get immediate attention....

    This world is so corrupt it's ridiculous, most people live their lives in a bubble fantasy world of the way they think the earth should be but really it's not. We live in world controlled by money over everything, money being more important than natural resources, wildlife, plantlife, human life! lol It's a shame that someone like that has to have his ideas suppressed and turned into military uses instead of creating something good for the earth and it's inhabitants.
  12. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    vik is not evil, tesla is just one of those guys that inspires you.. I remember building a giant tesla coil in my basement when I was in college, but never finished it because the beer money budget became way too inflated that year.

    -wait a minute, vik is evil
  13. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Beer, tesla coil???? Hmmm???????

  14. cronarct

    cronarct Full Member

    what is the tesla coil iv heard of it but i do not know what it does
  15. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    let me fing some links here in the next day or so....the man id an phucking genoius!!!!!