Vids of jeep at NSPL finals

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by liftedranger08, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Heres a few vids of the jeep this weekend at NSPL finals at South of the Border this weekend. First show with the jeep. I will post more vids of demos and hair tricks tomorrow.

    Equipment is:
    4 sundown sa 15s
    2 saz 2500s
    4 xs power d3100 batteries
    3 mechman 300 amp alts

    Burping a 156.3 at 44hz w 4700 watts clamped power
    Bassracing a 154 with 5k.
  2. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Hair tricks and demos.
  3. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Hair trick w 1 door open
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    beast!! congrats on your wins!
  5. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Thanks man. Im ready for sbn this year. :)
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    very nice!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the videos!
  7. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    Another vicious hair trick
  8. liftedranger08

    liftedranger08 Full Member

    A walk around vid i did today.


    Some more door flex