Vibe audio help please

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by -=HaZ=-, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. -=HaZ=-

    -=HaZ=- New Member

    i have a vibe sub and amp in my car but i have had to take them out, i seem to be getting issues with the amp
    the amp is this one the blackbox bass 1

    i would just go out and buy another amp but there not cheap and if it can be fixed then id rather that

    the issues i am having with it are coming from the gain iv been told, its like it keeps turning round when been used and so cutting out all the time, you can reset it with a struggle but then it does it again not long after
    does anyone know of what i might be able to do or where i might be able to go for help

    also if it cant be fixed or isnt worth it does anyone know what amp i should look at to go with this sub

    any help would be great thanks, i am just at whits end with it
