Very bad news with ambiguously beneficial results

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Civic96, Jul 18, 2003.

  1. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    About a week ago I was listening to some Eminem beats when I realized that for some ungodly reason my bass was sounding a lot cleaner. I didnt make anything of it at the time and just proceeded to listen to my clearer sound system for about a week. Today at work I go to open my trunk to see if my box is in place to see that one subwoofer is not moving, aka dead. I fiddle around with the wires to try to bring it back to life but I did made any difference. I dont think I even had these subs for a year and already one has taken a dive down under. I dont know why I bought these when I could have just as easily bought a pair of Xplods that would have yielded me the same results for a fraction of the price.

    The strange thing is that with the second sub dead the sound is cleaner and by no means any quiter than before. That is percisely why I never took the time to look in my trunk earlier. I thought I heard one of the subs crackling once in a while from the start but I thought it was my trunk and not the actual subwoofer. This could mean one of two things, both of which point to the fact that I was shafted from the start :D . Either A, The subwoofeer was fucked up at the factory or B, the fucking UPS mother fucking assholes I hope you die dirtbags did the damage. I say this because I saw the box was a little bruised when I got it, like every other piece of parcel I get shipped by these retards.

    Mike, what am I to do? Can I send this piece of crap back to the factory? Does the warranty cover this?

    Help guys!

    :( :angry: :huh:
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well first we need to find out what is wrong with it,

    send me your full name (sorry I dont remember it :D ) and address so I can look up the invoice and where I bought it from (which distributor) and then I can go from there
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    and if nothing else I will make you happy, either with replacing it (out of my own pocket) with a nothing equal value subs (sicne you dont like these) or someother way

    email me, we will work it out
  4. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Did you find me in your invoice Mike?
  5. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    I bet you either had them wired out of phase, or the one sub the coild were wired out of phase.... those are the comp VR's right? Dont give up hope on them yet, they are great budget subs
  6. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Problem Solved!

    I took the sub outta the box to find that one of the wires that goes from the box to the sub was hanging. I plugged it back in and the sub was back in business! It cracks and pops are loud volumed but I believe that is because I didnt screw in the screws far enough. All I had was a damn screwdriver and my dad's electric one is not strong enought to penetrate wood. Im going to take it to the shop tommorow and Ill tell you guys how it goes.

    The Vrs are def great entrance subs........I only wish they were a bit better for sq, it pisses me off a lot when they get sloppy.

    Is there anyways to tune the subs that they only go for the bumps and no of the buuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrs? When there is a fast song that combines both of them my subs sound like they are having a
    It may be that the trunk of my civic is not doing them justice but my friend has 3 JL 12's that make his trunk rattle 3X worse than mine but inside they sound sweeeet as hell so I dont know

    Anyways............... :)
  7. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    small sealed box
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well you have 2 10's and he has 3 12's so there is a HUGE cone are differance there.. his will be louder

    Problems with SQ could be many factors or a combo of factors

    1> Gains not set right
    2> Crossovers not Set right
    3> improper Seal in box (either Subs to baffle, or the box itself

    if all else fails try a small box
  9. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    not tryna offend you or anything but quite often that stuff is user error...even had the sub been blown....

    LMAoooo@only go for the bumps and none of the could only do that by editing the track, you record a bit right? use cooledit and take those portions of the song and majorly cut the bass frequencies in those areas...of course you'll lose any of the bumps that are in there, unless it's a higher bump and you've got a really low "bbuuuuuurrrrrrrrr" (LMAooo) that you can just cut out the lower freq's on....

    also, try a smaller box

    but i'm glad that everything's fixed...

    and yeah comp vr's are good for the first bang, but won't suffice when you actually want quality...

    subs are just like sex, at first you take anything that bangs, but eventually you realize you want more than that...

    but, it's hard to make a sub sound really good...that just....doesn't...
  10. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Guys I just took it to a shop where I had them installed and this is all I have to say...... :(

    I now know why they had shitty sq..............

    One sub is blown
    The other is getting there

    I had these things professionally installed, never ever abused them, had them in a small sealed box and this is what god gives me in return!

    For some reason I still blame UPS.....those bastard can never ship anything to my house right.

    Buuuuuuuuuuuurr :D
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    1> is buzzing sound is never not in a million years going to be causes by UPS, UPS is only going to cause PHYSICAL damage to the product, is it CRACKED, or BROKEN in some way" that would be UPS, NOTHING else

    2> Professional Installation mean Jack

    3> How do we detrim it was blwon, then not blown, then blown again????????

    some one make up my mind here please
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I just read your email

    How did they come to the conslusion that one is blwon and the "other is almost there"

    liek I said in my reply, 2 subs normally dont just go bad with out other factors being in play
  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    YGM with your Refund/upgrade offer you requested
  14. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    how can you tell a sub is "almost blown? :huh:
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    we will all find out as soon as I get them here,
  16. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    it could be that the coils were partially could be that the subs were wired in parallel, so with one sub being blown, it makes sense that the next could go shortly....

    if you pay me money, does that make it a professional installation?
    if i'm certified, will it be perfect?
  17. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    The subs were installed at 6th ave so I consider that professional installation.

    I am only relaying what the installer told me, I myself am not qualified enough to know what exactly is wrong with the subs.

    Its better to be safe than sorry :)
  18. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Maybe the coils resistance is way to low?
  19. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Haha.. that is funny!

    Take this with the grain of salt you usually have to give me when I am talking about dealing with typical (in my experiences) shop employees.. I'm a tad biased...

    But was that confident (or was it cocky? ;)) statement of "Oh yeah, OBVIOUSLY one of your subs is blown, and I CAN TELL - the other one is on it's way too!"
    followed by a statement like
    ..."but don't worry, I've got a couple subs here that will actually only be on sale for another couple days.. but they will be much better than those subs!"


    God, I'd almost put money on it... :lol:
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Haha.. that is funny!

    Take this with the grain of salt you usually have to give me when I am talking about dealing with typical (in my experiences) shop employees.. I'm a tad biased...

    But was that confident (or was it cocky? ;)) statement of "Oh yeah, OBVIOUSLY one of your subs is blown, and I CAN TELL - the other one is on it's way too!"
    followed by a statement like
    ..."but don't worry, I've got a couple subs here that will actually only be on sale for another couple days.. but they will be much better than those subs!"


    God, I'd almost put money on it... :lol: [/b][/quote]

    Geo, you crack me up

    Anyway, I have talked with him over AIM, and here is what I figure

    1> they are not blown, and the Instaaller is Full of Shit

    2> they are3 blown but due to a install error by the same installer

    Here is why

    where the way Civic has descfribed it they WERE wire correctlu i.e series/parrallel so that would yeild a 4ohm mono load

    however the isntaller was not using the sub out on the Head unit instead he is using on of the other preouts, now this in itself is not alarming but the reason is

    because accourding to this installer is "sounded funny" or "sounded bad" or somehting to that effect when on the sub out, and the installer blamed it on the amp, a cadence Z9000, this leaves me to belive that the installer has something either set wrong on the headunit, or Set wrong on the amp or BOTH, and this could be what cases the speaker to go bad if they are really blown

    I should have them monday, then I will get out the old DMM, and run soem tests, and Put them in a Box (providing the Dmm Tests come out Fine) and Hook them up to Old faithful, my 1200 Audiobahn amp, and see what damage they do :D

    We will all know in a few days if this installer is Full of BS, or what