Whats acceptable vent noise,WinISD says 55fps ,The loudspeaker cookbook say 110 fps max(4th edition 1991)Quite the difference
Depends....I have 22ft/sec with 500 watts of port. My port is 15 high and 7.5 inches wide...big enough to stick your head in there
You really have that much Vent Velocity????????? I didn't think it was that much, but it might be. I'm gonna have to look at the design sheet again.
Ideally, no vent noise is acceptable. Two things come out of a vent (I'm over simplifing), sound and air. The air moving in and out of the vent contributes nothing to the sound, but if its moving fast enough it will take away from the sound. What you should strive for is the absolute minimum vent velocity possible. One way to do this is multiple vents, one 4-inch vent is good for one 12, but 2 3-inch vents will typically work better. Two 3-inch vents is only slightly larger than 1 4-inch vent, but the vent velocity will decrease considerably. In my sons car, I used a single 6 inch port, 2 4-inch ports would have had slighly less cross-sectional area, but the vent velocity would have decreased compared to the 6-inch port. Anyway lets shoot for 35 fps or less
Well Ranger according to WinISD with 500 watts I have a PEAK of 23ft/sec at about 44Hz...but when playing music with it cranked up you can't feel any air at all coming out of the port....just pure sound
Interesting subject. Never really thought about port velocity, other than make sure its big enough to "not make noise",,,,except in less than ideal circumstances. This makes sense, the numbers that is...interesting.