Van's Auto Electric bench testing Excessive Amperage 300A HO alt for fun

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kryptonitewhite, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    FOR FUN.

    I was in talking to the guys at Van's, local alt and starter rebuild shop, decided to throw the 300A Excessive Amperage alt on the bench test just for fun, knowing full well it couldn't measure peak. He got it up to 140A till the belt slipped and couldn't take her. I asked him mid way through if I could record it, he said yes and jumpped back nothin really to see, but oh what the hell.

    Thanks Van's and thanks Nate at EA!
  2. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    dam, only 140 out of 300? was this due to the equipment testing or the alt couldnt put out?:confused:
  3. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    equipment, we new it wouldnt be able to test fully, was just something to do
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    was that a single v belt on that alt?