ok i had installed this system in my car. well it consist of: 2 12 w7 2 1000/1 2 sets of 5x7 xr 300/4 eclipse avn6600 power acoustic 8 inch headrest 2 yellow top optimas 1 batcap 1 battery isolator 200 amp alternator ok when i got this system all installed, the guys had killed my battery while they were installing it. so then they had turned the car on and i guess it was to dead so it put a lot of strain on the alt so it blew the regulator on the alt. so i had gotten the alt regulator fixed they put a new one in. so im driving and now i get a battery and a check charging system error code. and then this morning i had started my car up with my remote start and then i went out to my car and it was running so i thought everything was ok. so i put the key in and then turned it to ignition or acc whatever then i mashed the brake and the car died. so i try to start it again and then it wouldnt start. so i called the place up to see did they install everything as far as ground and power wire they said they did but they will check again. so i towed it to the alt place and he said something was draining my system while its off. so i said how when i was driving and i got the battery error and then he said maybe when they blew it it also blew the diode or something of that matter can someone help me please. i dont know if its the cables in the back or the alternator.
sounds like they didnt hook up the 2nd battery right.. they are killing each other off possibly due to the isolator not hooked up correctly.