and i recieved my hifonics contribution. all free (kindof) the only catch is that i have to go to 6 competitions this season, and if i do well they will consider sponsoring me for next season w/ better gear. and i have to put a 30x5 hifonics decal on my front and rear window.
sweet... they didn't give you any amps? 6 12's?? that should really slam! what kind of amps are you going to use to power those 12's?
amps are from another sponsor, dont dog them.....there trying to get there name back out there after switching hands, the new products are supposed to be of decent quality. i am recieving 2 1600w amps from ultra linear i threw 4 of these in my trunk in 2 prefab sealed boxes powered by 900wrms at 2 ohms mono (for all four) and there rather impressive for what they retail for.
hey pedro, any clue what that guy was hitting? these little bastards require alot of air space ported, 1.75-2.0ft^3 each..... until i can do my wall im only gonna 4 4 in my trunk an a ported box, because quite frankly.....thats all i can fit......
seems like it, with my previous subs the 15" powerbass only needed 2.0 ported, the rhinos only needed 1.5, the 12" treos needed 1.5 i guess its not that much more than normal for subs i have owned, seems 1.5 to 1.7 is pretty puch universal for a 12"
Thanks...I'm still the same azn as before...not much has changed. with great power comes great responsibility lol
well.....kinda weird how it good friends with a owner of a local shop thats an authorized hifonics dealer, and he put in a good word for me, told them all of my budget builds have placed against against the heavy hitters, and next thing i know, i get en email from them saying they would like to use me as a represenitive, just to get the word out that since switching hands, that hifonics can still pound.... of course not exact wording, but close enough.