Two 12s vs. a 15 & Two 10s

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by cookie, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. cookie

    cookie New Member

    Hi guys I'm new to this forum. I have just brought a new wagon and I'm planning out a system for it. What do you guys think is better, two 12" or a 15" and two 10"?

    Haven't settled on any particular amp yet but it will probably be around the 4ch 400w mark, so something like 250W bridged into the 12s/15, and 100W per channel into the 10s.

    Also I should mention I value SQ over SPL.
  2. cookie

    cookie New Member

    I've heard that mixing sub sizes is not a good thing to do, so how about if it was three tens instead of the 15/10/10 combo? As in three tens in parallel at 1.33ohm on a 400W d class. Versus two twelves bridged at 2ohm on a 4 ch 400W.
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    3 tens vs two 12's have almost the same cone area (3,10's 235 cu in's) (2,12's 224 cu in's). either way in the right box they could sound nice.

    ive also been told not to mix sub sizes too. good luck.
  4. cookie

    cookie New Member

    I worked out the actual cone surface area (not including the surround) for the Kenwood W3011 and W2511 that I'm thinking of using, and the 2 12s come in at around 846cm2 while 3 10s are around 798cm2. Don't know what that is in inches, but anyway it's pretty close. The tens however would be running at 1.33ohm vs the 12s at 2ohm so they would be drawing a bit more current than the 12s from an identical amp. Would this more than compensate for the lesser cone area I wonder.

    If I went pure SQ, I could get away with like one really good 10 yeah?
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    square inches not cubic
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    oops didnt catch that. thanks.