Tutorials On Cd

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Dec 6, 2003.

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  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    As part of my New Company, I am wanting to make interacive CD for Business's and Such

    so I need to create a Demo for that service, and I figure what better way to do that then to Create a CD for CAT B)

    So I want to Put 9 of the Most popular How To Questions on a CD,

    I have not decided it I will sell these, or Give them away (probally give them away at cost meaning CD Cost plus shipping and Like a $1 to download/free from elite members)

    But what I want it for you to Pick the Tutorials that will be included

    Right now I want to limit it to 9, but I may change that...

    Help me out
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Come On

    This is going to be neat

    not some Stupid Flach movie either

    Here is a Demo I Made, Just a Basic Business Card for Osprey business Services

  3. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    i don't know who would buy the tutorials cd....but i'll check out the demo regardless...
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    i am not really asking for Feedback on the Idea

    I dont care if anyone buys it, or even if I will sell it

    This has nothing to do with Generating Money for the site, I am sorry if I made it sound that way

    What I want is to Create a Demo Program that I can send to Clients as a Demo for what I have to offer then

    But instead of Creating a Shell, or Pointless program, I Figured I would make a "dual use" Program and not only show off my services, but give something back to this community as well

    all I am looking for is suggestions on what tutorials to include

    any cost will be to recover shipping and handling plus the cd should someone want it

    I will more than likly make the program downloable for free once it is done
  5. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    What kind of tutorials are you lookin to write up?
    car audio stuff?
    web design stuff?
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Car Audio

    I am Going to Clsoe this Thread and Start a New one where I better Explain what I am going
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