trunk sub

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by judd982, May 30, 2007.

  1. judd982

    judd982 Full Member

    I'm just curious really...does a sub sound better with heat? I have noticed that it's thumping alot more on a hot day.
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    the heat might loosen up the suspension some?i'm guessing.
  3. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    a hot voice coil has a higher resistance then a cool less power.

    My guess is that it is a placebo...not really sure though.

    The speed of sound changes with temperature so that could affect things like cabin gain at certain frequencies and what not...I really don't know if anything I just said is true but it sounds good enough lol
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    The colder it gets, the harder the bass will hit....

    THe air is denser at lower temps, at high temps and high humidity the air is less dense.

    Talk to a pilot if ya dont beleive me....
  5. gustov

    gustov Full Member

    in physics class, hotter air means faster sound
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Interesting gustov...

    Everything I have learned has taught me that the the denser the air, the easier it is for sound to travel in it...

    Example....soundwaves at subsonic frequencies travel farther in water than they do in the air....

    True, heat does tend to excite things at the molecular level, hell, even the atomic level, but with this excitation, the density of said media, or object if you will, becomes less dense.

    At least thats how i percieve it.

    I aint no rocket scientist, so i could be wrong in my thinking
  7. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    I'ma rocket scientist............................ K nvm, but if the air is hot then the sub will hit losely, if it's cold then it will hit tight.

    Sorry I can't really explain it, I'll compare it to something else, when the weather is cold, the power lines are tight, when the weather is hot, the power lines are lose and hanging
  8. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    sound doesn't travel as far or as fast in cold weather...physics.

    Have you ever tried yelling at someone during the winter on a really really cold day...your voice doesn't carry that far
  9. gustov

    gustov Full Member

    you are right viking, sound is much faster in the water. it seems slowm03 has an easy to perceive example for the sub's material
  10. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Interesting topic we have here.

    From the first initial post, we have a guy saying his sub hits harder in the heat....

    Azn states that on a cold day, sound is less distant (I disagree with that statement however)

    Then we have slowmo stating the suspensions of a sub are looser so too speak....

    Well, facts are facts....

    In a cold enviorment, things are denser, inclusing the air around us, the denser an object, or substance, the easier it is for the transferance of energy without resistance....think super conductors my freinds.....

    the same is true of air, sound, and heck, even sex.....???

    Example, a Cessna takes off in the summer heat at 70% humidity with a full maxxed out load. This airplane will require 1200 feet of runway to take off....

    Same plane in the dead of winter at 15 degrees and 50% hunidity will require 900 feet of runway.....

    (not exact figures but just making a point)

    Sound is the same as motion, it is the same as light, the same as the screen you are reading this is relevant to the particular circamstance.....

    So I still say that the coooler it is, the louder it gets.

    But I still might be wrong!!!!

    Just tryin to make my point
  11. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    I'm just stating that sound doesn't travel as FAR on a cold day than on a hot day...this I know for a fact

    lol and Viking this is my point
  12. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    You are wrong my freind....

    cold air enables the sound to travel farther.....

    If it is a fact that you know for sure, please enlighten me!

    (but i am right and you are wrong!!! nah nah!!!!!! ):D:p:p:p
  13. gustov

    gustov Full Member

    maybe viking is right, idk about distance, however sound does travel SLOWER in colder air and faster as it gets hotter, only a wee difference in speed
  14. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    Well.....I know that cooler air is denser air....I would equate that as cold air in a 1 cu ft box is heavier than hot air in that same box (for example in a hot air balloon)......So.......I would think that anything traveling through the air would take more effort (cold air)to travel at the same speed......Now I think the airplane theory Viking has, is related to the engine on the plane producing more horsepower in the cold air versus the hot.....

    On turbocharged diesel engines, the air is put through a cooler of some sort between the output of the turbo and the input of the combustion chamber..Without the air being cooled, hosrepower goes down....I believe that is why the plane requires less runway......When you drag race, the cars produce more horsepower in cooler temps than hot temps....The friction on the cars due to air drag (hot versus cold) is small in comparison on the horsepower difference (cold air=more hp, but hot air has less drag on the car passing through it).....

    my two cents

  15. sl0wm03

    sl0wm03 Full Member

    I was thinking of the sub moving, the speed of vibrating, faster and slower, hot and cold.

    If you want to talk physics, cold air the particles in the air are closer together, warm air the particles are further apart, so it would travel faster in cold air because the particles are closer together. Sound travels faster in most solid medium. Right?
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2007
  16. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    i know for a fact that sound travels slower in cold weather, 4th grade experiment:) lol. there was a guy with a sledgehammer hitting some concrete about 300ft away and by the time he hit the concrete you didn't hear the sound til almost a full second later. THATS JUST MY POINT.....
  17. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    True, the engines develope more HP, but also, since the air is denser, the wings generate more lift at lower air airspeeeds, thereby enabling the airplane to rotate at a lower airspeed.

    As for the cold air generating more HP, I have found this to be very true my little non- turbo diesel Ranger.....
  18. gustov

    gustov Full Member

    slowm03 you are wrong my friend, g3n3r@1 is correct. sound travels at around 340 m/s at room temp, colder temp= less than 340 m/s