tips or suggestions for mounting component tweeters?

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Speakers' started by magnum340, Dec 19, 2006.

  1. magnum340

    magnum340 Full Member

    just wanted to know if theres any good rules to setting up components. should the tweeter be as close as possible to the woofer or away as possible, dose it even matter? there has to be a right way and a ****ty way right??
  2. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    I would think that you want to keep them fairly close together...Even though they are separates, they still need to work as a unit and blend together somewhat......The last car I had separates in, I put my mids in the door and the tweets were in the vent in either end of the dash....Probably about 12-14 inches between them....I did not notice any holes in the freq. I would say if you mounted mids in the kick panel and then put tweets in the front door pillar or somewhere like that, it would be too far.....If you can get them to be more of an equal distance from your ears, from each side, that will help imaging.....

  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    If you already know the where the mids HAVE to go, then you are gunna be a little limited. Here is what i suggest. Take a nice saturday afternoon, and some SQ music (female vocals) , and some time. Install the mids, then using double sticky tape, and long wire, experimant with tweter location! Try the dash, the door, the kick panel area, the pillars, experimant with angle, directions, even inverting the phase of the tweeter ......

    let your ears tell you the best place to mount them,
  4. magnum340

    magnum340 Full Member

    that sounds good i think ill try that but do you think some ac/dc or gnr would work just as nice!!!
  5. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    November Rain from GnR is actually a decent recording!