Tight Space For Tight Bass

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by DatDude08, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Ok so now I have a 2005 Colorado crew cab which is going to be my daily driver for a while. I am putting my Pioneer DEH-P6000UB in the truck and upgrading the rear speakers. I am looking for some components for the front and some beat under the rear seat, which is what leads me here.

    I have enough room for a small sealed box (approx. .7 cu. ft.) The restriction comes in the height which I have about 5" of clearance in the very front and gain about a half inch after so I need a sub that has a mounting depth of under 5" and an overall under 5.5" and I actually have some options haha.

    Heres what I have found (I'm looking at extreme budget here):
    (1) Diamond D110D2.2
    (2) e3.6
    (1) e3.8
    (1) Kicker CVR8
    (1) Kicker CVT10
    (1) JL Audio 10W1v2

    There are some others but I'll leave it at this. The Diamond catches my eye because of its price, but what are some highs and lows of this list? I'm just looking for a nice SQ setup really, definitely no SPL records will be set haha. Also anybody recommend some decent comps for under $75?
  2. MTX4Life

    MTX4Life Full Member

    I really like the shallow mount Kicker... But I've always heard that JL has the best SQ of most woofers... So if I were you I'd choose between one of those..
  3. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    JL is for pussies that have too much money lol. W1's suck IMO. I heard of a couple guys doin little t lines for those e3.6s and they wee happy with em. low power, low budget, and awesome sound!
  4. MTX4Life

    MTX4Life Full Member

    JL are for people who know that quality means gettin off your ass and spendin some jack to get some good sound.. In my opinion W1's only suck to pussies who have a grudge against JL because they can't afford the good ****.
  5. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    I've been wanting to do something with those e3.6s ever since they went on sale. Also I forgot to mention but I need 6.5" comps.
  6. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    just make a baffle
  7. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    yeah i guess i can just do that as long as they still fit in the door
  8. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Ok I'll throw one more in, the eD SQ10. I'll be honest, I am more than likely going to go with elemental designs because I loved my 11Ov.2 and they are a great, customer friendly company.
  9. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    honestly, JL is way over priced and there is a lot better stuff out on the market with lesser price tag to them.

    Oh, the kicker shallow mounts suck. i've heard a few and wasn't impressed at all with them
  10. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    I beat down every JL system around me with only 2 13kv's. They were all descent to good installs. We built a TO SPEC box for his Camry for 2 12" W1's (entry level 12) and i stomped him with a built to spec box for 2 13kv's on less power. Say what you want, JL hasnt and probably never will make me a believer.

    Oh and to the SQ10, I heard they arent that good. Suspension sucks or something like that. Azn said the werent that good sso i believe what he says. Experience will always win and he definately has it.
  11. jayz85

    jayz85 Full Member

    what you do to the stannnng?
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    you dont have to spend THAT much to get good sound. its all in the install.

    says the guy sporting MTX gear and not JL,lol.
  13. MTX4Life

    MTX4Life Full Member

    Lol I do like MTX.. alot.. But I don't like a good brand being knocked around just because their pricey.. and to me and alot of other people it's worth every penny.. But I'd stand up for any decent brand if people were bashin it and callin it **** for somethin as stupid as price.. If Lanzar or Sony were tryin to sell one of their subs for a grand, I'd be right up there sayin **** sony and all that.. But when it's top of the line ****? And you dawgin it just because it's pricey and you can't afford it? That's were people start to **** me off a lil bit..
  14. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    About a year ago I had a oil line bust and drove the car home (about 20 miles) and pretty much ran it out of oil. The car developed a knock from that but we used some STP and it cleared up, but now it is a much worse knock so it's just going to be parked until I get out of college more than likely. We are guessing the rod bearing are probably shot, but we haven't pulled it to check anything yet.

    Look I've had a JL sub in my car before and it sounded good, but for the price I couldn't see it as worth it. JL is not bad equipment by any means but their bang for buck isn't the greatest. But that's just my opinion which is worth the price you paid for it, nada.
  15. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    So I got all my mounting brackets and wiring in today to put my radio in as well as some rear speakers. Installation went easy and it looks slick, I'll get you guys some pics a bit later. It's amazing how much better my Pioneer unit sounds compared to the stock one, it is sooo much clearer.
  16. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    great! pics pics pics!
  17. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Night, flash, and radios don't go to well but here's a sample and there's also a video. The radio goes up to 66 volume, but I didn't want to **** my parent's off so I stopped at 50. There wasn't any distortion at that high of a volume.


  18. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Ok so I'm kinda thinking of going a different route for now. I think I'm going to wait on the sub and sorta combine budgets and get some good comps and an amp for them. However I am not against saving money with used equipment. On eD's forum a guy has a set of eDi 6000v.2 comps for sale for cheap, one tweeter is blown but I can get a replacement and another guy has an old school MTX 275X for sale which would fit the bill to power the comps. Sound like a good idea? I may also see if I can't get some deadener as well for the doors, but I can always get that later when I have the money.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2010
  19. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    what kind of budget are you looking for comps and an amp? I'd say, get your front stage squared away with the amp like you said and do the subs last. check classified ads on DIYMA and caraudio.com. you can find a lot of great gear with great prices there. If i were you, i would go the used route if budget is a problem. if not, then you could go with come phoenix gold RSD comps. they're only like $60-70 for a set and they sound good too.

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