This is a great song!!!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Jul 16, 2003.

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  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Thanks Hansnet!!!
  2. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Yea, can't say i agree with a word that says there Seth. We all realize you have a personal agenda against Ben Milne and others on SIN, but personally I have no problems with Ben or anyone else and I don't really believe that post is necessary. It's one thing to have your own beliefs, but to try and force them upon others expresses some ignorance. Just because 5 or even 20 e15a's have one little problem does not mean the company is going under... Hell, ID has had some problems with their subs as well, and so has Adire, which i'm sure you're aware of. I'm just rambling now, but after reading the thread on SIN and then reading this...i do believe you've gotten your point across, although i'm not sure you've managed to turn anyone to your side in the process.

    I'll await the response to this one anxiously...

    Oh, and i'll apologize now if i took this post and the other post the wrong way as i have before, but i seriously doubt that's the case this time around.
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Who is forcing anything on anyone? Who has a personal agenda against ED? I have no issues with Ben at all, or his product. In fact, if you look around you will see me oftentimes stating that their product is a great product.

    I am not the one who hunted down the SIN fags, they started with Steven K, and didn't like to be proven wrong, then got on my shit because I backed him. Quite simply they stated that physics was incorrect. Then they pulled their bullshit over on CAF and SIn, starting way off topic BS on CAF, and eliminating the questions that they disagreed with, and eliminating posts of broken drivers on SIn. That is bullshit. That is a cop out, that is not the whole story over there.

    Pull your head out of your ass Chris. If you don't like it, dont read it. If you can't avoid it, don't come here. It is that simple. The only time you come here anymore is to argue with me anyways (funny how you always "take my posts wrong", Just try reading them thuroughly). Besides, most of what you stated there is utter bullshit and was never even suggested at all, anywhere by me. If you feel the urge to add your own thoughts to the actual words I express, you are the one displaying ignorance. Frankly, I don't care who is "on my side". If I am not allowed to express my opinions, I will leave (for example, the dictatorship known as SIn).

    Besides, I am quite sure you didn't read the whole post. I didn't write it. Go bitch at Hansnet he wrote that here, on CAF.
  4. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Haha, i realize you didn't write the song, but i also realize that you support and agree with it. You have been very vocal about your dislike for Ben, but you have said the company made good products even though you were extremely skeptical of some of them.

    I only made the single comment on the SIN thread, I didn't see a need to choose sides mainly because i know how you can come across to people at some times. I'm not trying to be your enemy here, but i will say when i disagree with what you say. I have read all your posts me. I read the one on SIN a few times to be sure i didn't miss anything, and this one i read twice as well. I realize you didn't write the song, but i found it interesting how you were going on a tear towards eD, Ben, and the guys at SIN this week and i decided to point it out. All i said was that you made it unmistakably clear that you don't care for them in that thread, and you seem to be doing it again here...which is great, but i'm not just a fan of people who go around spouting off shit to anyone who will listen or read. You are very entitled to your opinion, but it does get old after a while when you reiterate the same facts over and over again.

    Sadly, there are two sides to every story. I haven't read any of the threads on CAF that you speak of (don't care to), buti'm sure the eD guys have a version of their story that will be somewhat different from yours.

    I just don't believe it right for a respected member of the forum to bash or put down another company, especially when you are a known dealer as well...there are tons of guys that run eD stuff and love it. Courtney's e12k was one of the best subs i've heard to date, especially for the $$$.

    Oh, and i do not come here merely to argue with you. There aren't exactly alot of threads here to reply to, and maybe it just seems that when you say or post something somewhat controversial, i'm always here to disagree. Sorry if that bothers you, but as i said before, if i disagree with you on something, i'll say so.
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    First things first Chris. Over and over again I have stated, This is not about Ben , ED, or their products. At one time in a public forum Ben and I had issues, but that is long since past. I have written a few great reviews about the ED products. I have defended ED while people bitched about delays in their recieving preorder drivers. Read it man, and stop making it out to be the way the SIN gang wants it to look. Damn man, how many times does it need to be said in so many places?

    It started as me simply stating that while the E12A was proving to be an awesome driver, I had concerns of the 15A with such a huge piston displaying the shortcomings of other 15 in piston drivers (most noteably the PPI). I explained the inherant weaknesses in the flat piston in a 15 inch version, compared to a cone driver. That was all. I was jumped on by the SIN crew and War about how my very real (and now somewhat justified) concern was "nonsense", "had no basis in fact", and "displayed an obvious lack of subwoofer design knowledge". It is simple physics.

    From there the SIN gang (not too surprisingly) began with personal insults, including insulting my wife and child!!! All because of a simple, obvious statement based in proven scientific fact.

    And then you come here and jump my shit? You don't know or care to know what started this whole situation according to your post, so why become involved? Why would you look at 1/2 the story and make a conclusion based on partial fact? That is outright ignorance, and an utter lack of respect for someone who has extended a hand in personal friendship as I have to you. You have been offered some killer deals on product which you never chose to get, but I promise, only 3 or 4 other people have been offered the same product as you for the same price.

    Cort and I speak rather frequently and he has asked why, and we have discussed it. Funny how an avid ED user like Cort seems to understand and agree that so many really seem to have lost sight of why it all started, and what my intentions are. He also sees my point about the driver. In fact, he pointed me to the cracked 15A piston thread over at SIN (one of the ones that wasn't deleted or closed that is). And, trust in this, there are quite a few people linking me to a ton of threads and whole bunch of junk being sent to me from people in the know that if I cared to make an issue out of, I could (they don't realise or remember what this all started as either). In fact, ask Cort, he has something I could mention too.

    But frankly, this is simply about a flat piston 15 inch driver, and how a few people have blown it out of proportion and tried to insult me and my family... It's not about ED, and not about Ben. Trust, with my info I could really make an issue out of a huge amount of the small companies in this industry, as I have quite a few insiders I speak to regularly. All companies have issues, and I am not going to jump up and down and saying "look at that guy, look at those guys". That is just BS.

    This song was simply some insider humor, for those here that know the situation. Stop making such a big deal out of it.

    In conclusion, you really need to know all the facts before you presume something Chris. Presumption is part of my final SIN thread (if you replied, I never saw it as after posting that I have not gone back, nor do I plan to), maybe you had better re-read it.
  6. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I'll agree with most of what you said there... I'll post more tomorrow as it's a little late to think now.
  7. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    ~1500 wrms
    1.7 cuft. sealed
    1 month
    So far, so good.

    Some people mistake critiquing a product with critiquing the products company and/or owner. As unbelievably happy as I am with my 15A, it pretty much looks like eD products are unable to be scrutinized by someone without fear of being bludgeoned to death by people easily led astray by the use of off topic red herrings...if you can't intelligently defend a product, by golly, let the ad hominems flow...that way we forget what is actually being argued.

    While I disagree with some of what Seth says, you'll NEVER see me resort to name calling, attacks on his family, or OT red herrings. I used to do that in 5th grade, but I've since learned to use my brain.

    Oh well, I don't allign myself with anybody, because I can defend myself. If it takes 5 e-buddies to "win" an argument, guess what, you're only 1/5 a man.

    I still don't have a problem with ya', Seth.
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Thanks man, good stuff there.

    I know you are happy with your driver and I am glad about that (hey, being an online dealer where people don't get to hear the product before they buy it most of the time is difficult when you care about the customers). You have always been very respectful and insiteful.One of those members you are glad to have on a board. I am not trying to anger you, or any other A owner either, and I hope/think you realise that. It is good to see that you are keeping your focus on what it really is about, not the offbase rambleings of what some people are trying to make it be.

    This was just for humor (considering how the entire thing has been blown out of proportion, I felt it appropriate), nothing more, nothing less.

    ;) B)
  9. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Yea, i agree with luv too. I don't like how alot of those guys feel the need to be so clique-ish in order to defend themselves, i'll give ya props for that Seth, you don't have that need.

    I guess it's just not my nature to bring things out in public when i have a disagreement with someone as Seth did.

    I'm not jumping your shit, i'm just stating that i disagreed about how you went about things... Now, i'm not saying the SIN guys were right in saying what they said or jumping in like they did, but you're a better guy than that, there's no need to start a flame war with them.

    I'm honestly not tryin to take shots at you here man.... I know how you are in person, and know you can be misunderstood in this type of setting, and that's all. For those people who haven't met you, it can be very easy to take what you say the wrong way.
  10. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Man, i hate this....

    Seth, all the beef those guys got with you isn't about broken 15a's. I've been through that extensive post on caf, and there's very little about broken 15a's. Nobody jumped on kephart either. He was having a sensable exchange with warbleed until that one guy threw a smart comment his way. Before kephart even had a chance to respond, you jumped in for him. After that he made one post in which nobody responded to. From that point, it was all you seth. Nobody bothered SK. Back him you did, but why not give him a chance to respond first? You're right though, you didn't hunt them down, but you did do a very good job calling them out to play. Openly calling these guys out on their biased opinions when they weren't even involved in the convo was bad man. I'm not the one to say whether they are biase or not but, why call them out? I'm sure we can all agree that those sinners will jump on your ass if you say anything about an Elemental sub. But lets be honest, you can be the same way when a brahma is brought up, and thats not to say that you are biased. But you do speak up to defend a driver you believe in so much. Thats well and fine, but they go over the top with it.. Its pretty obvious why all the fuss started in that post though. I think you may have picked it a little after reading it all.....

    The 15a's are not breaking due to the issues we've discussed i must admit. Hate to put my own foot in my mouth, but they made the cone strong enough. Its working. But, the glue joints aren't holding up, and thats leading to the cones breaking when the former is being slammed into the cone repeatedly after the glue joint comes aloose. Its been shown and explained on sin.

    Seth, we all know you dont like ben. Its been made very clear to me and chris.. I wont tell your reasons why as thats up to you to tell. But, you have never made any negative remarks about any of his products to me, or in any post i've seen other than your concerns with the 15a, but it was a very real and warranted concern, and we both agreed on that.

    I do find it quite odd that those threads about broken A's were disappearing off SIN, yet your post stayed there and open forever and it turned into an all out flame seths ass post, and i do believe its still open. They allow a member to get flamed for 2 weeks, yet they disolve any post that tells of broken ED subs. I think you have some very real concerns with those sinners, but just as you told chris to ignore it if you dont like it, you must do the same over on SIN. Post plotted to defimate the character of SIN members shouldn't be made. Approach them via PM's or emails and talk it out like men.

    Through many conversations with various SIN members, many of which you have issues with, i've learned of most of their gripes about your posting. To put it simple, when dealing with the woofers that are being spoken of these days, you rely on numbers, graphs and winisd to in most cases come to the ruling that the brahma is a better driver. While you're relying on numbers, most of those guys have hands on experiance with most the "superwoofers" spoken of. Numbers tell a lot, physics is very real, and undenyable, but nothing beats actually hearing and experimenting with the woofers in different enclosure setups and power situations. Now, those are the words of the members i've spoken with, not mine. Now with all that said, there's no reason for them to take it to personal insults and words about your family. I think you're wife is cute :D , and your son is a funny lil guy with that red hair. hehe

    I kinda got mixed feelings about the reasons behind you posting the song. I think you got a bit of satisfaction from seeing it posted, yet it was all in good humor both from you and the guy who posted it... I think chris may have taken your post a lil too serious, but i wouldn't say he "jumped your shit". I'd say more than anything, he just expressed his opinion on the issue, and im not the one to say whether he was right or wrong for it... C'mon guys, we are all friends, personally, not just on forums, no need in getting fussy about all this. Lets agree to disagree sometimes, and keep our personal friendships in tact.

    :blink: :blink: :blink: <_< <_< <_<
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    It's not about 1 post man. Here you are doing the same thing. It is a series of posts on several forums that got so bad, Dan had to step in. It was the whole SIN gang. They rode him (SK) mercilously for a few weeks, jumping in on his ass every time he said anything about anything.

    As far as how they are breaking, the first was just a break (the one you told me about, and the one that was erased was just a break to, no former issues. But it isn't about that at all. It is simply the strngth of the piston that is the question. I will not continue with the debate, as it is fruitless.

    As far as me -n- Ben's issues... that is not for the forum, and Chris knows nothing of my feelings, unless you told him. Keep it to yourself and off the boards as it was mentioned in strict confidence, and you blew that one. *note to self* I have leaked a bunch of insider info about a number of companies to you, keep the rest of them quiet. This little tid-bit pisses me off.

    As far as ignoring the Sin gang, I am. I have told you that and brought it out on the forums I go to that I have left sin, and will never go back. The last thing I need is a 1 way street with opposing ideas or opinions deleted.

    As far as the people who don't like what I have to say. Who fucking cares? I have yet to hear 1 of the Non-Sin gangers who have heard both woofers say the A is a better sounding woofer. I have issues with 3 SIN Gangers, so I wonder who these "various SIN gangers" you speak of are. Also something that needs to be pointed out is I have only called 1 out publicly, and I never used his name. Don't blow it out of proportion. I have heard some Sin gangers say the Brahma is a better sounding woofer. While some may question if the differance is worth the extra $100, the results still stand, and the Brahma wins. This is from a few sets of trusted ears, and the simple #s and physics behind the deal. Why do you think you never got the A for Beta testing as promised? I often wonder that too. :rolleyes:

    As far as that last paragraph, lemme share this little quote by a member that is considerably more respected, and speaker savvy then me:

    I find that one of my favorite little quotes, as it speaks volumes of the arguments many like to bring up.
  12. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    C'mon seth.... My post was in no way intended to "jump your shit" as you said chris did. I was merely pointing out some things i saw as inconsistancies in your response to what he had to say, or just my opinion or thoughts on the issues. I see that i had some misinformation, and like the men that we all three are should do, i'll apologize. As for the issues with ben, well, guess that cats out of the bag. Maybe in your response to chris's post you should have told him what you just told me "As far as me -n- Ben's issues... that is not for the forum". Instead, you chose to deny the claim, and thats not very good for chris's character on the forums. Kinda made it seem that he was just shooting off lies about you for the sake of conversation, and that wasn't right, nore was it the case IMO. Thats why i decided to confirm it, sorry if that pissed you off. I'm sure chris got a lil ticked off being called a lier about something that he knows to be the truth. Once again, i'll apologize if thats something you didn't want known. The info you've told me about these various companies and other issues is still tucked away in my closet, trust me. I in no way indicated that your feelings for Ben had anything to do with ED or any type of business issues. I made it clear in my post that i would not be open with your reasons as thats up to you to tell.

    About the reason they were breaking. Where was it verified that the ones you just spoke of wasn't a glue joint issue? Just curious.

    As far as the "he said she said the brahma is a better woofer", im not really concerned with. I didn't make any mention of it. Thats an issue i'll leave up to you guys. I got my eyes on the Magnum d2. :D If you go back to the post you made on SIN, you'll see more than 3 guys got issues with you. But, who they are, and what they claim aint my issue, i was just telling you whats been told to me. And im not joining up with them in their issues with you. I see you dont care, so no more mention of that...

    I'm not tryin to "blow anything out of proportion". Though i agree much of what you said in your post on sin, i don't think the post should have been put up. But, difference of opinion is still welcome here i hope.

    And umm, bout the A for testing, im well aware of the reason i didn't get it, but i'm not very concerned about that.

    I couldnt agree more about parts of those quotes, BUT, nothing beats the actually hands on experiance with a woofer, and nobody is gonna tell me different. You can shoot off all the numbers you wont, but till you get your hands on a woofer, take some time listening to it in various applications, you cant have an opinion on the woofers performance.

    Anywho, dont take anything i said as a shot at you, im just speaking my mind.
  13. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    1) we are all old enough to know better...
    2) you SHOULD give a fuck how you compose yourself online if you want any sort of respect....i don't care if you INVENTED car audio...if you can't compose yourself well, you are an idiot, i don't care what you know (this goes out to no one in particular, but matt overpeck as an example)
    3)why are we getting the recycled garbage from the remnants of posts on other forums?
  14. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    Hi all -

    Seeing as how Seth cannot apparently separate personal opinion from factual reality, I got called over here.

    Let me set the record straight on several things.

    I personally got Dan Wiggins involved in Seth's personal outburst - and also had a discussion with him when Kephart and I went rounds.

    Kephart and I have no other adgendas known or hidden, but seth does and it's plain as day.

    As for the garbage about his wife and child being attacked, I'd like to know where, as I've personally never seen it - nor would I tolerate it. He behaved like a total ass, but I won't censor him in his statements, contrary to what he'd like to say.

    You see seth, you are incapable of separating this childish raving over someone not agreeing with you - so you start posts to cause shit, continue to smear shit anywhere you can like a 2 year old, and just are clearly incapable of letting go.

    If you don't like being argued with, don't open your mouth. I've seen you use this statement on others, I suggest you learn how to take it to heart.

    Unlike what Seth would like to purport:

    Nobody has ever argued whether or not driver specifications mean dick, what the argument is is the level of importance they play.

    And I'll end this note with:

    Nothing seth has ever said has been deleted on SoundIllusions or elsewhere. To state otherwise is simply a lie.

    Now I don't go out of my way to cry about how you've behaved, and I don't even mention you elsewhere, yet your continued childishness about these matters only serves to dig your hole deeper - as even people that sort of agree with you have stated your actions are uncalled for.
  15. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    :unsure: :unsure:


    I will stay completely out of anything else said in this post. Seth, i'll take our issue's off the board. We'll talk later on, maybe at the shop unless it'd be better to give you a call.
  16. jlaine

    jlaine Full Member

    That would work great if Seth would use your own judgement.

    I've not mentioned his name elsewhere, I've not talked about him to anyone aside from Dan Wiggins, I haven't wasted my energy creating ranting threads and generally looking like a boorish fool, but he seems to enjoy continuing this drivel.

    As for the whole wishful thinking idea of what's censored and what isn't on SIN - the eD forum is just that.

    If you have a defect that needs to be returned, you need to call eD. Sales/warranty/returns/you name it - if it's company-based, we don't want it there.

    It's SUPPOSED to be a Q&A forum for general help, not for contact with the company direct. That's its first, and foremost priority.

    As for the rest -

    Flame away Seth, I'm sure you'll find something new in these past two posts worthy of grabbing onto and contorting.

    It's like I've said to Warbleed several times, and he's said this much to you also on this very subject matter - you are clearly incapable of separating the person from the argument. I've gone rounds with Kurt so many times I've lost count, but we're still cool. It's like going fistacuffs with your best friend - you take the bruises, and come out just the same, if not better. Instead though - you decided to start this holy war against me, because I didn't immediately pat you on the back and say 'great detective work!'

    Just the internet...

    Nobody at SIN is trying to censor you Seth. Nobody is going out of their way to get you. I didn't agree with what you said a few times, so this is how you treat people that don't follow YOU?

    You are welcome back anytime, turn your nose up as you may - I really don't hold any ill will toward you personally - just some of your behavior and comments when they are based on assumptions. I never edited your post, I finally locked it down as no other moderator was and it was quite frankly getting ridiculous, but your statements are still there - plain as day.

    Hell, even Geo and I see eye to eye now and then...

    Anyway... To each their own. If you want to continue your smearing fest, that's ok... I let it go a long time ago, figured you just needed to blow off steam - we all do from time to time. It's gone well past blowing off steam though, it's just an ugly, and old, temper tantrum.
  17. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I did not realize what this post was, I am closing it RIGHT NOW, any mod reopening it will have the mod privigaes revoked,

    I dont want to see this kind of posting again, no reason to bash a company like that, you guys did not like it when I did it to adire, so unless you want to me start on adire which I have PLENTY to say their, I suggest we keep the PROFESSIONAL

    if you have TRUE concerns about a product feel free to post them,

    I did not stop the one with the cone issues but this is OVER THE LINE
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