The Ricer story

Discussion in 'Car Repair' started by sandt38, Sep 1, 2002.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I just saw the classic rice on the way home tonight...

    1993 or '94 Nissan Sentra, you know, the small rounded family car look. First I saw the 2 sets of foglights coming toward me, pointing right in the rearviev mirror (uh, moron, they're supposed to pe pointing low {hence their low mounting point} to aid visibility in fog). As he zipped around me I saw the "Si R" sticker in the rear quarter window (uh, dude, Si R is a Honda designation). The next thing that caught my eye was the "300Zx" emblem on the right rear of the car (Uh, hey buddy, it's not a 300ZX). Oh, but this gets even better... On the left rear is the really frightening emblem stating "Si R" and underneath that it said "Twin Turbo" in what looked like vinal tape. The rattleing roar of a farting mouse made me quiver in fear as I noticed the 3" muffler tip piercing from the rear of this insane ride!!! Thankfully, he had a wing that reached to the top of the rear window of this beast (visibility, no problem ;) ) to hold it down as it roared into life at the next intersection. From then on all I saw were his foglights... Hmmmm.
  2. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member


  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    hadda share it with my domestic bretheran!!!
  4. beaux

    beaux Full Member

    Ricers dont really bother me. If thats what they like....more power to them. I'll tell you what really bothers me.....and what i CAN stand

    Example: I see a car ....lets say a a honda.....going down the road. Covered with decals, stickers, wing, body kits, euro lights, ect. But every sticker on the car is backed by a part under the hood. OK...i dont mind that. Some that i've seen are even fast as hell. No prob with these people.... They aren't stupid little kids who are trying to act bad. They are just doing what they need to do to the car to make the car perform like they want. And they advertise. BUT THEY DONT HAVE TYPE R STICKERS.

    What bothers me:

    See a toyota with decals from front to back, a 6 ft aluminum non-functional wing, Type R all over it. With rediculious stickers. The whole

    "why do you have a comp cams sticker on your toyota?"
    "I dont looks cool"

    Or "Whats the Type R sticker for?"
    "Umm...i dont know"

    "Do you have any performance parts?"
    "yea....i have sparco seats"

    "is that a performance exhause tip?"
    "yea....that thing is bad-ass"

    These people make me laugh
  5. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    true dat