The Furture of CAT part 2

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well Geo has a good Idea so I will explorer that option while I see if anyone offers to buy this site

    So if anyone has any of the following Skills, or knows someone that does and is willing to help me with this site get in contact with me

    Skills needed (any or all)


    Jobs I would like to Fill

    1-2 New Mods
    3-4 Editors/Proofreaders (we all know my Spelling sucks)
    2-5 Developers (that know at least one of the above techologies)

    This is not time intensive, and the more people that help the less time would be needed per person, I just cant do it alone anymore, which is the main reason I put it up forsale

    I built this to be a Community Driven and Run site, so it is time it became that, or we all lose.

    I still Believe that this site can be bigger than even CAF given the right people promoteing it, the Right "look" and the Right amount of content,

    I have yet to be satified with the site, which i hoped to change when I started the now failed upgrade.

    So any help you can give would be greatly appecaited by all,

    Compensation cant be in the monitary form, atleast not right now, but I always have side things going on so "trades" could be worked out on a per person basis, depending on what services you bring...

    Let see where this takes us
  2. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    I don't have any experience but i pick things up quickly and am willing to learn if someone would teach me the skills needed to take on one of the roles (or if you could point me to where i could learn it...)
  3. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    I don't post all that much, but I do try to read the posts on here daily, or at least every other day.... so I am willing to help in any way that I could. You may not want my help, but if it becomes a necessity I will be willing. I am not familiar with the technologies, but I do know where I could learn them, or you could just have me as a proofreader/anything else no one wants....
  4. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    alright...... here's the dealy-o.

    First, why do you need all of that help? Once you build a forum, it should be pretty much self sufficient. A couple mods to keep the ruckus down, but otherwise it shouldnt be very time consuming. Its unfortunate to say, but you have changed the entire look of your site/forum at least 10 times in the last 2 years...... this seems like just a huge waste of time.

    That said, I am very proficient with html, and know a bit of PhP. My most recent build was this website and forum:
    I made that website from scratch and the forum skin pretty much myself and all of the graphics, like the gears and such I did as well. However, my time is now quite lacking (so much that I just handed the reins of that site and forum to another person) due to my classes, teaching, and my PhD research. So though I may be able to help, I may not be able to get things done immediately.

    I guess thats the best I have to offer. :p

  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    It has not been 10, maybe 5-6 :lol:

    and I do that because I HATE the way it looked, I am finally getting the look down..

    as far as the php help, it would just be until I finished the Features.

    I guess I could just "install a Forum and let it run" but this what makes this site differant from the 100's of other car audio forums???????????????????????

    I want to have MORE than just a forum
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    if you take a look here
    you will see the list of things I have todo yet.

    but with Lowes In the Middle of the Spring Change Over, and Buying aHouse I have no time as well.. every free moment I have from work is spent looking for a home

    I have to be moved my 4/30/2005
  7. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Well.... at a minimum, at LEAST it can be a forum. ;)

    That's why I come here!

    I haven't specifically explored MySQL, but I've spent more than 8 years as a DBA in a corporate environment, on other SQL platforms, such as MS SQL Server and IBM's SQL/400 on their DB2 UDB environment... far as I know, MySQL is a sort of "mini-me" version of these more complete database environments.

    And I'm decent with HTML as well... I prefer to hand code everything.
    Never played with PHP, however.

    Why do you think we need more mods?
    I haven't had to exercise my mod powers in... quite a while!
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well I guess we dont need more, but I have 1 Mod that never replies to any questions, and I have 1 Mod that has not been here since 12/28 I know it is a voluntary position, but I would atleast think they could check the staff forums and post their comments, or show up atleast once other week. Maybe I expect too Much I dont know................

    I guess I am just going to have to make the Time to Get this stuff done. and see where it goes. If you want something done right you have to do it yourself

    Hopefully traffic will pick back up this summer, Winter is always slow for this site but this winter has been really slow.

    Since it does not look like anyone wants to buyt it as it is I will get the site done asap and see what happens in the summer, if we can get a good stronger member base and pretty good traffic going I will keep it
  9. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    The mods souldnt be too tough as long as there is some good installation and debugging info available (as there is usually plenty of for good mods). Smileys are pretty easy..... dont you just install them from your admin panel? Removing old members isnt much of a problem. Im not sure whats involved with installing reviews, web blog, and tutorials systems.......

    So yea, I could possibly get some of that done for you...
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    your right none of it is hard....

    just a time problem for me.

    but friday - Sunday I will have some time so I will see how much I will get done.
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well I think I talked myself in to keeping the site.

    I looked over "my books" and I am going to prepay 1 year of hosting when my next hosting payment comes due, so this is will be online at minmum till 2/16/2006

    I have to watch my TV Shows tonight (I am a stargate Scifi Nutcase and the new episodes start tonight) after those are over I will start adding in some of the things I want to get added in,

    I also have a Member willing to help me do this I still have to work out all the details though

    Once those are done there will be NO MORE CHANGES. PERIOD.

    I have have a "itch" to do something I will create a new site to "scratch that itch"

    CAT will not change. PERIOD. if I make any changes after the listed features were added you can come to my new house (after I find and buy one) drag me out and beat me sensless
  12. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    Wait... so Season 9 of SG-1 starts tonight?? Damn i wish i had the SciFi channel... as it is i'm waiting for season 8 to hit syndication and then DVD lol... I have the first 7 seasons sitting on my DVD rack lol
  13. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    i can be a proofreader...
  14. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    I do quality control/proofing all day long.

    I could probably proof if you need it. Not sure what all you need proofing though.

    Never been a moderator but if all it involves is reading threads and keeping the peace I could do that as well.

    I have open internet access while at work and I dont do anything regularly on weekdays so I am fairly available.
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    No, the Second 1/2 of Season 8 started friday..

    Everyyear SciFi airs 1/2 of the season, Takes a few months off and replays the season, and then Airs the 2nd half.

    it can be annoying, but it also shortens the the Time between seasons also so instead of havingf 1 Long "break" between seasons you get 2 shorter breaks....

    season 9 does not begin FILMING till march

    But I have all 7 seasons in my DVD racks as well :D thank you netflix :)
  16. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    @Jan 23 2005, 02:08 AM
    I do quality control/proofing all day long.
    I could probably proof if you need it. Not sure what all you need proofing though.
    Never been a moderator but if all it involves is reading threads and keeping the peace I could do that as well.
    I have open internet access while at work and I dont do anything regularly on weekdays so I am fairly available.
    [post=23893]Quoted post[/post]​

    thanks for the offers, I will be making though desicions at a later date