Text run-on

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by caylorray, Jan 4, 2003.

  1. caylorray

    caylorray Full Member

    Is there a way to auto-wrap text on this forum? It drives me nuts having to scroll to read a post.
    Sometimes I have to scroll just to get to the beginning! Is there some box I haven't checked in
    my preferences?
  2. gscustoms

    gscustoms Full Member

    it wraps fine for me, might have somthing in your preferences....
  3. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    you sure if the forum? and not just something the browser preferences?
  4. caylorray

    caylorray Full Member

    I don't know if it's my browser or not, that's why I was asking. I don't have this problem with other forums, namely CAF. I've got to have SOME preference messed up somewhere.
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Whcih theme are you using?

    the Default or a differant one

    I have no problems with the Defualt theme

    Also Which Browser do you use?
  6. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I don't have any issues using the red theme either...
  7. caylorray

    caylorray Full Member

    Is the automatic log-on working? I just added a reply, then was asked to log-on, then lost my reply!

    Anyways, I'm using Netscape. IE does it too, but only just a little. As for a theme, I don't remember selecting one, so it must be the default. I'm just gonna have to play around with my browser.
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    IF you have Cookies Set up right the Auto login works fine,

    I use Mozilla, Opera, and IE, and have No Problems with any Theme, or with AutoLog on

    BTW Netscape and mozilla are basically the same, but I hate using AOL related products,

    Opera 7 is my Favaorite and i use it most often