Subwoofer identification

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by AudioNewbie, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. AudioNewbie

    AudioNewbie New Member

    Hey Guys, I'm kinda "new" to the audio world. Lets put it this way, last time I built a system, Rockford was just hitting the market...:lol:
    I got these subs with a vehicle I bought a couple of years ago, the box was ruined, but the speakers seem to be fine. i tested them on my home stereo and they work quite well. I know they aren't much, but hey, they were free! The problem is I don't know what they are other than them being JL audio 10" subs... there are no stickers or markings letting me know what wattage or ohms they are. Anyway, on to my question, can anyone identify these? Thanks in advance.

  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    a dmm will help you determine the ohm load. as far a s power...?? maybe 150~200 rms.
  3. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Those look like the old dub 0's (W0) and i bet they are 8ohm but take a meter and check them.
  4. AudioNewbie

    AudioNewbie New Member

    Thanks for the info guys... from the pictures I have seen they look very similar to the JL Audio 10w0's I tested them with a multi-meter and they are 8 ohm speakers. Specs call for 125 rms. Which is plenty enough for me. I'm not looking to pound the windows out, just some nice fill.