Ok. I have two older ten inch pioneer 800 watts subs powered by a an older 600 watt jensen amplifier... My question is: I have a box for my subs that is cool ports come out the side by the subs. My uncle has a box that has a plexi glass front that i want... Only one problem... It's made for 12's... I was wondering if there was some sor of adapter that makes 10's fit into box made for twelve... Not sure what the technical name is but I was told I could get something like that????
Yeah I was thinkin the same thing.. You could make a ring to go under the original side of the plexiglass (made out of plexiglass too) and make it flush mount.. and only you will know it wasn't supposed to be that way X) And you'd think they would've already made something like that? Maybe suggest it to a company.. Someone could make a few dollars off of that...
i wouldnt waste money buying plexi for what sounds like a prefab box anyways. do it with mdf. if it doesnt sound right.... which it may not since the box is for 12's then just build a box for your subs. mdf is 25 bucks a sheet and screws and glue is another 10ish. so 35 bucks and your good.
Yeah but if he does it with MDF you'll be able to see it through the plexiglass and it'll look all janky... That's why I suggested usin plexi.. And if he seals it up good, it should sound right.. And really dude if you're gonna use all this money tryin to fix this pre-fab box, you could probably go to sonicelectronix.com and get 2 good bandpass boxes that would make your set up not only look tha way you want but probably sound alot better.. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_20028_Sonic+Sub+Boxes+2BPV10.html for what you're trying to do, i'd just get that.. Only about 15 dollars more than what pedro said, and your system doesn't sound like it'd be strong enough to do any damage to this kinda box..
All those will sound like sh*t except the one Pedro suggested. Build a good ported box. You will be amazed.
He has a box......... He's good with the sound. He wants the plexiglass front..... He wants to change the look, not the sound..... And yeah, with decent subs, they'd blow those boxes apart.. but with the setup he's got, those would sound pretty decent, and it has the plexiglass front.... Ya know, the whole reason the thread was started...........
ok if you really want to use your uncles box i would suggest cutting a piece of mdf to fit inside the opening snugly. then cut 2 10 in holes in it. carpet it too. that way it will look like it was made to fit.