I had a dual 12" sealed sub enclosure that was not chambered...it was 2.5 cubic ft.....since I have an extended cab truck, I decided to go with two single sealed enclosures that are 1.25 cubic ft each, exactly what the sub calls for. There is a lot more excursion now but the subs aren't hitting like they were in the dual box, nothing was changed but the boxes, and the dual box was actually .02 cubic feet bigger than what the specs called for. Any thought on what has happen or what I can do would be appreciated!
There can be alot of things at play here. Please list the specs of both set ups. At the least we would need to know which amps you were running and which subwoofers you were using. List the RMS if you know them.
I have 2 12" Cerwin Vega HED128's 150 watts RMS each, Cerwin Vega amp 300.2, 2 channel 150 rms bridged. Not by any means an expensive set-up, but it sounded a lot better in the dual enclosure! Dual enclosure was sealed and is 2.55 cubic ft. The single enclosures are sealed, 1.25 cubic ft. each. Alright....I have read in the past about poly-fill, really didn't think about using it because it's used when the box is smaller than specs...well, I had an old pillow in the closet and decided to give it a try, (this is just temporary) I pulled the OLD poly-fill material out of the pillow, pulled it apart in sheets and lined the back of the boxes and part of the sides with it, no glue or anything, hooked both subs back up and now it seems to be back to normal, maybe a little better. Now when I buy new poly-fill, do I need to cover all the surfaces or is the back good enough? Why would my subs sound better in a bigger box than what it's rated for?