subs clipping?

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by kyck3r454, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. kyck3r454

    kyck3r454 Full Member

    so my new kicker cvx 12s sound really bad when i turn my bass knob up along with the volume to a decent amount of bass. i have a 1500.1 zx kicker amp so it can handle the bass. but when i turn my volume up past half it sounds really bad almost like the subs are struggling to keep up or they are not getting enough power or there is a bad connection somewhere?? what is the problem most likely??
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    what electrical upgrades have you done??

    what vehicle??

    How is your gain set??? any bass boost??

    What volume is the head unit on??

    What is the eq set at on the HU if there on??

    What is the voltage at the amp with the system on full tilt and engine idling??

    How is your amp grounded?? don't answer with "its grounded a seatbolt with paint on it"
  3. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    Either you are clipping or your box isn't getting the job done. Are they in a small sealed enclosure?
  4. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    If you are sending a clipped signal TO your amp, it is only gonna amplify that..aznboi's questions should be your first steps...

  5. kyck3r454

    kyck3r454 Full Member

    well the boxes are extremely small!!! and sealed. i do know that the gain was set by the installer and the only thing i have done is turn up the bass knob.. ppl tell me i dont need it at all but if i take out the bas knob and my bass is all the way down, whats the point of having subs at all?
  6. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    I don't know what you listen to (music-wise) but here is how I feel about settings, etc...

    If you have a good source (hu and music that is recorded well, like a factory CD) and you have everything wired correctly with full range speakers (coax or triax or separates), then your frequencies should be well covered...Then your sub(s) should fill out the lower octaves...I prefer to set my EQ levels on my HU to flat (no boost, no cut) and gains on the amps as low as possible to maintain proper gain structure...I don't like to turn the loudness control on (if it applies) either....then I just listen to the music as it was recorded...Some things are a little bass heavy for my taste and some are a little bass lacking. For that I like to use the sub level control on HU (if there is one) or a bass boost knob and just add or take away a little to taste..

    When you turn the bass level on your HU way up and then turn a bass boost knob up and/or sub level control up, you really tax the amp and can easily clip it, then your speakers sound like crap and you get that sound and possibly blown speakers....I have seen many many people build a system around the subs as the main force..looking for loud and how far they can be heard....That is not a bad thing if that is what the owner wants, but things need to be done right to do that and stay clean...bass overdriven signals can easily clip an amp even if it is rated at 2,000 watts rms...crap in-crap out

  7. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    when ure done with that build a new box cause with my previous subs that liked big enclosures soundedd crappy too in small sealed boxes so build a big ported one.
  8. kyck3r454

    kyck3r454 Full Member

    thanks for the help guys! i do turn my bass knob up although my gain knob is down. but i do not turn my bass boost on my HU up with the subs. i either have it at 0 for some songs or in the negatives for really bassyy songs. i just play with the knob the get a good amount of bass for some songs just to where it starts to make your ears and nose itch. lol but yea i think the boxes are my problem. i just wanted to make sure it wasn't clipping which i dont think it is. i never turn my HU bass up past 0 but now that the topic was brought up would it be better to turn the bass knob down and HU bass level up or opposite or does it have the same pos and neg effects???
  9. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    There is your output problem
  10. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    i smell a ported design
  11. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    if the installer set the gains and boost than he is a complete dumb f-u-c-k.

    Seriously...if it sounds like crap than the installer has no idea what the hell to do.

    still no answer on the voltage question...or any other questions I asked. We will get nowhere quick
  12. Willy D

    Willy D Full Member

    If the system was installed and set up correctly then with all eq flat and bass boost not crazy high, you should have a very good sound...if not, settings are wrong or your box is not close to being what your subs need...

    If I was to install for someone (have done a few...not a ton) then I would set everything to get a good sound with minimal settings...if you have your stuff on minimal settings and it sounds like ass, something is wrong and the installer should discuss with you...For example: if your subs are not matched to the box, he/she should tell you and explain why and recommend the right one..