Sub turns on and off??

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by reza0013, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. reza0013

    reza0013 New Member

    K so i got a Hifonics BXI2608d 2600W Amp and a 15in Orion HCCA Sub
    i got it installed and it was working very good and loud and perfect
    5 minutes after leaving the shop the sub was going on and off every 10 seconds, on the bass control knob the green light would turn red everytime the sub turned off, then the sub would go out completely for 5 minutes and turn on again after letting it sit, i went back to the shop and they tested all the installs and wires and **** and it was all perfect but when at low volumes the sub makes a weird noise and they said the sub might be blown out, it was only a few months used tho, but they turned the amp down alot and told me to come back on monday when they were open and that it should be fine playing it low until then, and it was going good but now when i turn the car on the bass knob turms green then just shuts off completely and the sub doenst play at all, can anyone help with whats wrong with it? should i try to get it replaced or have the car audio shop open it up and look at it or get a rebuild kit or what?
    please help, thanks
  2. jayz85

    jayz85 Full Member

    sounds like it might be an electrical problem... do you have a second battery?
  3. reza0013

    reza0013 New Member

    no but the installers said i didnt need a capacitor or battery if i just got these thick cables and some amp kit, and when they tested it they didnt say anything about needeing a battery
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    What kind of car do you have? do you know how many amps your alternator is? that hifonics amps is a pretty big amp. you may need electrical upgrades for that kind of power.

    Did you do the "big 3" upgrade? Are you running the amp at a 1ohm load? what gauge wires are you using and how big are the fuses along the power wire?

    you don't need a cap but i'm guessing that your electrical can't handle the load, that's why it's doing that. If you didn't do the big 3, i suggest you do that right away and see how that helps.
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    sounds like low voltage.

    For a 2600 watt amp you are going to need atleast a 200 amp alternator and a couple extra batteries...that shop you went to is full of bunch of retards
  6. reza0013

    reza0013 New Member

    turns out it was just a bad ground didnt chip enough paint off but they redid it and now it works perfectly, i dont need any electircal upgrades,i just got a 250 amp circuit breaker too and its working fine
  7. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    yup...retards at the shop don't even know how to make a good ground.
  8. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    lol. yeah, i hope they didn't charge you for it.