sub to amp wiring

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by connerray2010, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    hello. I have a 1000 w sony xplode 2 chnl amp and 2 svc pioner subs and was wanting to know what could/would happing if I had the positive of both subs hook to the positive terminal (normal bridge way)and then both negative hooked to the other positive (NOTE i sed could/would) because Iwas messing around with the amp hooking some LED's to the amp and i noticed the subs negative leeds were hooked to the positive (been that way for some time now). So i hooked every thing back to the normal bridging recommendations. I think i recall a wiring diagram that showed me that but im not real sure. plz hellp because they were hitting like never before and there just not good enuff. thanks
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i assume your subs are single 4 ohm subs. if you wire them in parallel you would end up with a 2 ohm mono load, not good for that amp. wire them one to each channel.
  3. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    And if the amp cold handel it then what would you call this when hooking positive to the positive of one channel and the negative to the other positive of the other channel? And the amp is very capable iv been running this set up for about a year now and 6 of thos months was hooked up with pos to pos and neg to pos... And is still going very strong.
  4. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I'll asume your subs are single 2 ohm and that would be called bridged.

    But to be sure,give us some more info about your subs.Model number of subs and amp(or specs if you have them).
  5. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    I'm not 100% sure about specs but the subs are walmart special 12 in single
    Voice coil (I think ther 350 watt rms and 1200 max "over rated if you ask me") I have 2 of them hooked to a 1000 watt (I think 500 watt rms) sony xplod amp. That's about all I know about them. But say any system set up with a 2 channel amp and 2 subs (svc) and you take positive leads hook too one of the channels positive and then the negative leads and hooked them to the other channels positive? What would happen in long term damage? Would it melt the voice coil? Would it burn a car to the ground? I'm just wanting to know if any system ( as mentioned above) is capable of handling this wiring setup. If I hook mine back this way will I burn my car to the ground? I'm not concerned about damaging the system (got to get new stuff some time right?)
  6. ericj

    ericj Full Member

    Pedro's right. You can only wire SVC 4ohm subs together for a mono load at either 2ohm (parallel) or 8ohm (series). Your amp is only stable at 4-8ohms mono. Best bet is to wire a sub to each channel if you want the subs and amp to last.
  7. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    That's not my point!! I want to know if if this will catch fire and burn my 2001 BMW 330ci to the ground!! If so plz let me know asap cause iv recently hook them back to the way they were (pos to pos and neg to pos) I'm not afraid of mesing theme up (subs and amp) I just want the fullest beat out of them and I don't car how long. Like I say they have been hooked like this for several months and iv had no prob out of them. "I'm not trin to be an a$$i just want a strait forward awnser "will the amp or subs start a fire"? If so I will unhook them and go with plan bridge thank you
  8. ericj

    ericj Full Member

    It won't catch your car on fire unless something goes disastrously wrong, but will probably eventually burn out your amp.
  9. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    Thank you for your strait forward answer that's what I was looking for.