Just thought I would share this with the people here that dont know. Linkage Its too bad too. Really hate to see that kind of thing happen to anyone.
That's really f*cking sucks! I sure hope Nick finds out who did it. I think a few of them guys are right, it's open season boys. :boxing:
I just dont want to see them go out like that. To build up a company from nothing into something thats just starting to work out just to have it taken away from you by some stupid clepto.
This does really suck, and i feel bad for this guy. I don't know him, or SI, but that's neither here nor there. From what i've read... i'm of a mind to believe this was no common theif. Who takes business documents, CDs, records of things which would be worthless? Think about it... Speakers, stereo equipment, ok maybe even computers... But this guy got *Cleaned Out*... and it seems they knew what they were doing too... mighty fast work and proper planning, i would assume. It sounds like there was alot of stuff... But paperwork? Man, that's weird. Smells like the competition to me. Who else would care?
Absolutely unbelievable. Sounds like someone just showed up with a moving van and completely cleaned house! You would have to expect some sort of an inside job here, as not too many would have known about the business to begin with, much less all details, to make off so completely with everything. :no:
Things like this make me ill, seriously. it's all too often that you see a lack of respect for other people's property and hard work. I read it on the forums all the time and it is rather disgusting. Hopefully they can at least catch someone who was involved.
Agreed, but like gonz said, something is not right... why would a thief steel files? Competition maybe? Inside job?
Agreed, but like gonz said, something is not right... why would a thief steel files? Competition maybe? Inside job? [post=20708]Quoted post[/post][/b][/quote] Very true, to steal every last item in the office/warehouse is suspicious. But it boils down to a lack of respect, which is not uncommon anymore.
Agreed, but like gonz said, something is not right... why would a thief steel files? Competition maybe? Inside job? [post=20708]Quoted post[/post][/b][/quote] there are quite a few reasons I can think of, I will not state them Publicly However due to the legal Implications