Stephen Where R U?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by forbidden, Nov 27, 2003.

  1. forbidden

    forbidden Full Member

    Just want to know what shop you are at and where it is located. I may have to do a road trip. Thanks for the advice and info on the other site, you know your stuff dude, must have had some good teachers.
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    He works at Whizzies in, um... shoot...

    Medford, Oregon... thats it

    He is a smart dude, I agree totally.
  3. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Well thanks guys, I appreciate it.

    There are directions on the shops web site.

    Please let me know when you come so that I can make sure to be there.
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Is this Forbidden from by chance?
    Welcome aboard, regardless!

    Love to see smart guys from other places... diversify our little forum over here a bit. B)
  5. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Wow I'm an idiot. I totally knew the name, but couldn't place the forum. If it is the one from 12volt, then totally welcome. You will find this board to be a little more intelligent than the other one, which may be good or bad. Luckily that intelligence just went up one more notch with you joining.

    Maybe with you joining here you will find out why I love Adire so much, and find out that it isn't only technical sales talk, but actually something to their products.

    As an example, if you want to hear a 6.5" component set with the bass of a 6X9, then you MUST hear the Koda's. If you take a trip to Whizzys, then I will make sure of it. :gunsmilie:
  6. forbidden

    forbidden Full Member

    Same Forbidden. Well, guess I have to do a road trip. I figure it will take a day to 2 days to get there but I need a break sometime. Don't couint on it any time soon, as a store owner I can't take off during this holiday season. Here in the land of frozen everythings, we don't have Adire available to us that I know of yet, I am intrigued though. Nice to see some good posts about topics that stump the best of us. I still want to know about the "singing crossovers" that I posted on the other site. Exactly where is Oregon (haha I know where it is) but I do not know where your city is without a map. Will find one. All for now, I've a got a cd player to put into a dogsled.

  7. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Oh did you post that?
    I read that one..
    I thought you were BS'ing... really.. sounded that odd. :lol:

    Do you mean ACTUAL song - like the christmas tunes that are embedded in some greeting cards, or that your cell phone might beep-out...
    Or do you mean just some weird whistling or other noises that just happen to not be ugly noises?

    When you put current through anything - particularly coils of wire - odd things can happen.
    Possibly some of the inductor was wound "loose", maybe a few windings are able to move up and down, working off the electromagnetic property of the inductor that is actually working as it should... so the loose windings are actually moving, vibrating somewhat?
    Even if they are loose and resonating like guitar strings, I suppose that could be audible...

    And - they would be moving in accordance with the music being played through the crossover... so it could sound "song-ish" I suppose...

    There's really no moving parts in a capacitor, just layers of metal film and dielectric... I just don't see these as being the noisemakers (although again, odd things happen - at least when you exceed the current rating of the device, and certainly with respect to a defective or damaged one... but I think the odds are lower).

    Honestly, when you said it was actual SONG...
    I could only think of a friend who

    But check all your inductors, might need to secure them - silicone or wire-tie them - better.
    Probably an easy fix.
    Not to mention if it is loose, if it is moving around, it's not working quite to spec now, and that vibration is just going to bring it closer to actual failure. Good to catch now. ;)

    One of my SoundStream Exact 4.3 crossovers that I keep on hand here for experimenting with broke on me.. man, did that piss me off. If I had caught it before failure, it would have saved a whole lot of work.
    But I really love those Xovers, I fixed them... B)
  8. forbidden

    forbidden Full Member

    It is exactly what I said, if I was in this car listening to whatever music was playing and muted the subs, went into the trunk and undid all the speaker wires from the crossovers, you could still hear the music plain as day, not loud, but clean and clear enough to know exactly what was playing. Just floored me, have not been able to duplicate it since.
    This happened almost five years ago and the equipment was all brand new at the time, the system has now been long dissassembled and put into his parents car. Never thought to check that situation again though, guess I should.
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I know Speakers can Pick Up Radio Waves, Happened alot in my Uncles house because he had a CB with a BIG "kicker" that could allow him to talk from Indiana to the virgin Islands on a Clear Night (I heard nim do it) of course the FCC never Liked it, and he was almost caught but hey that was part of the fun, anyway, could crossovers do the same?