Starting A Car Audio Club At College

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by PolkMM, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    I'm going to Texas A&M and noticed that there was a car audio club last summer, I emailed the guy asking about any information he had and he replied to me saying that they weren't really a club yet because they still needed a professor advisor. I'm not sure how much hes looked, but he said that he's gone around a little to try and find one with no success...most likely because of the stereo-type that some adults give kids with systems, which im sure all of you know what im talking about, in my kinesiology class we have a fairly young guy teaching it, im not completely sure if he is just a KINE major doing this class as a project, or if hes a professor, or what. It says that they have to be : 'full-time professional staff member', 'full-time university employee', or a 'faculty member, professional or associate staff member or a graduate assistant employed by the University.' I think he might fall under the last one if nothing else, but we will have to see. But anyway, if we are able to get someone to be our teacher sponsor, does anyone have any ideas of what we could do with this? Activities etc? Does anyone know of any other colleges that would have a similar club where we could get ideas from? I know some of the other organizations even have sponsors from stores/brands/etc. So if we do get started up, I'd probably go around to the local audio stores to at least 'recognize' us as a club and maybe have fliers with contact info they can keep on their front desk or something for promoting stuff...I'll be posting this on a few other forums that I go to so if you see it again...youll know its me
    thanks for any advice
  2. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    That sounds pretty cool. I'm sure if he's teaching the course he would fall under atleast one of those categories.

    I don't know what you could do as a club, but watch out for thieves. I wouldn't be telling anyone the true value of my system.
  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I'm considering starting up a car audio club, locally in my area.
    However, I'm not tied to a college - and you might consider eliminating that tie yourself, if it requires an official "professor" advisor... unless you happen to have a faculty member over there that is a guru car audio person that could lend expertise as well as facilities... ;)
    ...which doesn't sound like it's happening here.

    On the other hand, what I want to pitch to the shop owner, is that I'd like to organize and lead and make presentations for a car audio club, that could use the shop after hours for meetings.
    Above and beyond that, I'm going to see what the shop owner thinks about having the car audio club actually build a demo vehicle for the shop... it's a hands-on source of pride for club members (whose names would be memorialized on the truck, in recognition)... that pride would lend them to have all their friends check it out (and in doing so - check out the shop as well)... not to mention - free labor for the shop.

    Just one thought... but the key is - it has to be in the best interests of the shop... or whatever facility that you seek. ;)
  4. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Here's the pessimist in me - a car audio club at a college could lead to some problems, mainly theft. Your club might provide an easy way for less-than-honest Aggies looking to jack someone's sytem. I wish I didn't think this way, but it is something you have to consider.