SQL guy with A/D/S addiction

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by xavionics, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. xavionics

    xavionics Member

    Hi all,
    Newbie to the site, not new to car audio. Over the past 18 months I've been able to put together a couple systems I'm happy with. The last system started with a 2002 Honda Odyssey and a pair of A/D/S 320is's. I finished the last incarnation with these amps & x-overs:
    ADS PQ-10 (x2)
    ADS PQ-20
    ADS AX2e (x3)
    ADS A10s subs (x2)
    ADS 320is comps (rear)
    Morel Ovation comps (front)
    Alpine HU.
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    while i have never owned any A/D/S amps. i have always loved their look, and i hear they are super clean in their output. and just great amps all around.

    i wish when i had the chance i would have snagged up their 8ch amp.

    welcome to the site. do you have any pics of this install?
  3. xavionics

    xavionics Member

    Sorry it took so long to get back.
    It took me over a year to collect all that for my 2002 Odyssey minivan:

    Tried to attach pics but need help with that...
  4. xavionics

    xavionics Member

    Anyone out there have access to any ADS amp schematics? I have a PH15 that used to reside in my wife's car until shortly after my son got his drivers license.
  5. Klinkster

    Klinkster Full Member

    I upload my pics from a host site.

    I use: http://imageshack.us/

    Register an account(free) and upload your photos to their server. After its uploaded, click the details button next to the picture. On the next webpage, you can cut and copy to a thread here. I use the "forums" link in the "Inbed this image" box

    Hope that helps!
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  6. xavionics

    xavionics Member

    Here's the components going in:
    The equipment rack installed:
    Equipment rack lowered to allow access to jack:
    The rack still lets me raise the third seat if needed and allows for air flow. Subs are between the front and middle seats.
  7. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Wow...I remember all this stuff! And believe it or not, I still have an old set of 320i's somewhere here around this place. Great sounding stuff! My only complaint with a/d/s is the amplifiers. Sound very good, but never seem to have any real dynamic headroom when driven to the limits. And it always seemed to me that whenever I installed a/d/s amps, they were more prone too ignition noise than any other amp.

    Fine job on the install......
  8. xavionics

    xavionics Member

    No ignition whine...I've never really had issues with noise. Solid grounds near the amps, always.
    The amp chassis are grounded via the rack also.
    This was my first system install in probably 15 years. I've been out of it for so long, I don't know what's good these days. Not much to chose from locally, had to drive 2 hours to audition the Morels. I'm just not impressed by JL. Neither is my wife. :cool:
  9. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Tell ya what....all an amp is supposed to do s take an incoming waveform and make it bigger than its input. without adding or subtracting anything to the original signal. a/d/s did a fine job of that... todays amps are fine too. But i., like you have been out of it for years and could not reccomend a good quality SQ amp....I stick with what I know works..like the old Orion amps from years gone by...