Speaking Of Moving On Up...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Nov 23, 2003.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    This new version is a bit dull on the eyes, but it is so quick!!!

    I have noticed this seems to be considerably quicker. I suffer no extended load times, and smoother scrolling with my scrolling mouse. Very good job Mike, most impressive.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well thank you

    I am sorry it is "dull" personally I love it, but then again I am a VERY dull guy so......

    My goal was to Make it less graphicly intese,

    I am now going to start work on a More Color Intensive one, that used Better, more vibrant colors, but still Less Graphic but it maybe awhile before I have that on out,
  3. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Still can't beat the Red Alert!
  4. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Don't be a poon....:)

    The load times between the two for me are pretty much the same, the default may be a tad faster.
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    That all Depends on your Computer

    New Users will definally see a Differance, when you visit a site for the First time all the images are Download, when you go back, most computer Cache those Images and just Recall them from your Temporary File folder where avaible, Thus Greatly Reducing load time.

    However This theme,

    1. Does not Require the Additional Bandwidth associated with a Image Intensive Skin
    2> Does not take up much Locla Space on the User PC

    So while you may not see a differance, that could be your connection, Cached Info, or a Combo of the two causing you to not see a differance

    I will however see the differance, Because I will see my Hits and Visitor Stats go up, yet Bandwidth will stay LOWER, thus meaning a LOW cost for me to run the site ;)
  6. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    when i go to a forum i wanna be able to read what's there....this is nice and easy on the eyes with not a lot of distractions but not looking like the template was created in 5 minutes either, i like it a lot

    i don't see why you like red alert chris...haha
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    This default is WAy faster for me than the old default. I was having slow animation issues, jumpy and unresponsive scrolling issues (most notably with the scrolling mouse), and long load times particularly. I am using cable too. I am out in the boonies though, so I am sure I am sharing with alot of users, which may add to the larger more intensive old forum default load times being slow.

    The color is still too bright, and the theme is rather dull. I may look into another skin as a result. However, if it slows down again I will be back to default very quickly ;), because as I say, it is VERY fast compared to the old default.
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Weird. The only skin I have slow load times and all the other issues I mentioned was the old skin. I am using red alert now, and will for a while I think.

    Is it just the old default that was so graphically intensive Mike, or is it maybe that it didn't agree with my OS?
  9. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member


    Well Im on a huge network that can be pretty slow at times, but either way its still pretty fast. Yes the new one is a tad faster, but I have a new comp, so as you said it does depened on the comp.

    I have no scrolling issues as all. :blowup: